faculty meeting tuesday, october 4, 2011

tuesday, october 4, 2011 - 12:00am
atac 5035
                               office of the dean of social sciences and humanities

date:        september 30, 2011

to:           members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
from:     victor smith, chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council

subject:     council meeting         
there will be a meeting of the council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
on tuesday, october 4, 2011 from 9:30 am to 11:30 am in atac 5035.



    karen chan - student health & counselling services
    kyla reid - research facilitator

 1.    approval of agenda.

 2.    introduction of new colleagues.

 3.    approval of the may 3, 2011 minutes.   
 4.    business arising from the minutes.

 5.    registrar's report.
 6.    dean's report.

 7.    departmental/school reports.
      i) political science - calendar changes - updates to calendar
     ii) sociology - calendar changes - various
     iii) women's studies - calendar changes - ws 4115  -  ws 3030/3010
 8.    orillia report.

 9.    other business.

10.    adjournment.    

victor smith, chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council.

faculty of social sciences and humanities council
 may 3, 2011

a meeting of the faculty council was held on may 3, 2011 at 9:30 am in the atac board room 5035.

approval of agenda
it was moved by m. maclean and seconded by j. leggett that the agenda be approved.

1. a)  approval of acting chair

as v. smith has been appointed acting chair of the department of history, it was moved by g. slidell and seconded by d. jobin-bevans that g. colton be appointed acting chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council, for this meeting.  

approval of the minutes
it was moved by b. cuthbertson and seconded by l. chambers that the minutes of january 6, 2011, be approved.

business arising from minutes

 i) special exam dates and pilot project re:  degree audits.  date for specials has been  
    posted online.

registrar's report

b. winter was unable to attend the meeting.

dean's report for faculty council
may 3, 2011  atac 5035
1.    hiring is well under way.  we are in the process of searches in sociology, visual arts, political science, and languages.  as we look forward to welcoming new colleagues, we bid farewell to doug west, who is relocating to the orillia campus.

2.    academic planning.  as you know, the committee has completed the first phase of its work, and is currently undergoing a consultation period with the university community.  there was a special senate meeting yesterday for discussion of the plan, and there are numerous other opportunities for input, which are outlined on the vp academic's website.  we will be holding our own faculty discussion at today's meeting.

3.    meeting with the president.  our meetings with the president will now be in the fall.  i will be confirming those shortly and will keep folks posted.  

4.    convocation:  convocation.  friday may 27, 2:00 for ma and hba, hb fine arts, hbmusic, and hb outdoor recreation; concurrent 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 graduate saturday may 28, 2:00.  this year the registrar will be reading all of the names.  i encourage you all to attend if you can.
respectfully submitted by dr. gillian siddall, dean, social sciences and humanities.

discussion of academic plan

there was a lengthy discussion about the academic plan.

departmental/school reports

i) english

it was moved by j. leggett and seconded by l. chambers that the ba/bed. calendar changes for english  be approved.


it was moved by j. leggett and seconded by s.d. stone that the breadth requirements calendar changes for english be approved.


it was moved by j. leggett and seconded by m. maclean that the victorian literature calendar changes for english be approved.


internal adjunct appointment

it was moved by dr. j. leggett and seconded by dr. a. den otter that dr. sandra jeppesen be appointed as internal adjunct professor for english.


ii) indigenous learning
it was moved by d. mcpherson and seconded by s.d. stone that dr. k. burnett be renewed as an internal adjunct professor for indigenous learning.

iii) northern studies

it was moved by g. slidell and seconded by s.d. stone that the calendar change for northern studies be approved.


iv) philosophy

it was moved by a. den otter and seconded by l. chambers that the calendar change for philosophy be approved.


ii) outdoor recreation, parks and tourism

it was moved by a. den otter and seconded by s.d. stone that dr. patrick maher and dr. kathleen rettie be appointed as external adjunct professors in the school of outdoor recreation, parks and tourism.


orillia report
a. den otter reported that the hiring was underway for the canadian history position and that the job talks would be held on may 10, 11 and 12.  she stated that she would be completing the process for the self study for the undergrad review, and that the reviewers will be coming in the fall.

other business
i) ba general requirements - 1st year
s.d. stone stated that the courses were the same as they were 15 to 20 years ago.  j. leggett stated that she would like to see more science courses. it was stated that groups 1 and 2 be reviewed.  d. mcpherson stated that an ad-hoc committee should be struck to review the requirements.  g. slidell stated that she would have the registrar and the director of academic advising attend a council meeting in the fall to answer questions and offer advice.

the meeting adjourned at 11:15 am.

thunder bay campus

g. siddall
m. maclean
s.d. stone
v. schonberger
d. mcpherson
g. colton
r. berg
m. nisenholt
b. cuthbertson
l. chambers
d. west
g. munro
c. southcott
j. leggett
v. smith

orillia campus
a. den otter
j. aniuk


r. holmes
d. jobin-bevans
m. beaulieu
j. nicholas