faculty meeting thursday, march 13, 2008

thursday, march 13, 2008 - 12:00am
atac 5035
there will be a meeting of the council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
on thursday, march 13, 2008 at 9:00 a.m.  in room 5035 (atac building).
1.       approval of agenda.
2.       approval of the february minutes.   
3.       business arising from the minutes.
4.       registrar's report.
5.       dean's report.
6.       departmental reports.
7.       other business.
8.       adjournment.
victor smith
chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council.
faculty of social sciences and humanities council
thursday, february 14, 2008
a meeting of the faculty council was held on thursday, february 14, 2008 at 9:30 a.m. in the atac board room 5035.
v. smith welcomed orillia colleagues and then called the meeting to order.
approval of agenda
it was moved by j. leggatt and seconded by s. islam that the agenda be approved.
approval of the minutes
it was moved by s.d. stone and seconded by j. leggatt that the minutes of january 10th be approved.
business arising from the minutes
there was none.
items for information
possibility of the school of outdoor recreation, parks & tourism joining the faculty
t. dunk welcomed b. cuthbertson to the meeting.  he explained that the current faculty restructuring process seems to indicate that the following changes may occur:
the department of psychology may be joining a proposed faculty of health.
the school of outdoor recreation, parks & tourism may join the social sciences and humanities faculty.
b. cuthbertson provided the outdoor recreation, parks & tourism perspective on the possibility of becoming a part of the faculty of social sciences and humanities.  he detailed the initial responses from the school to joining the forestry faculty, the science & environmental studies faculty or a proposed faculty of the environment.  after a careful review of these scenarios, the school has decided that its best option would be to join the social sciences and humanities faculty.  the main reasons for this are:
double honours degrees already exist in history and women's studies.
the faculty, 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and program are already connected with social sciences and humanities.
the school is interested in modular degrees and what they could bring to their program.
the school has sensed informally that they might be welcomed into the faculty.
the school is aware of the significant challenges with regard to the calendar changes and general regulations.
a discussion followed. 
it was noted that currently the date for structural change has not been set.  b. cuthertson added that the school of outdoor recreation, parks and tourism is unanimous in its wish to join the faculty.  the school would prefer that a joint voice to go forward to deans' council with such a recommendation.
t. dunk thanked b. cuthertson for coming.  he felt council should discuss such a change and play an active role.
ss&h research and innovation display
dean jobin-bevans brought two main items to the attention of council.
the process of pamphlet production.
he noted a small committee (public relations sub committee) has been struck that will report to council on specific directions for research and innovation week.  the committee will also deal with other future opportunities such as book launches, etc.
the committee has been approached by eleanor abaya of communications to produce a short pamphlet that lists faculty publications over the last 10 years.  it is hoped that the pamphlet will be published by the end of the month.  in the short term, information must be made available by tuesday, february 19th.  after that, it is hoped that there will be a continuous update and posting on the web page of the faculty.  the pamphlet will include items such as the publication list, sshrc chairs, distinguished researchers, etc.
the look of the display scheduled for february 27th.
the february 27th session between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. will include two tables for social sciences & humanities with two posters and a display of other work.  other work will include a visual arts dvd loop with works of art and an audio presentation provided by aris carastathis.
d. jobin-bevans asked for volunteers.  they would work in groups of two and rotate in 1 ½ hour time slots between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.  those wishing to volunteer can send an email to s.d. stone or t. dufresne.  graduate student volunteers will be welcome.
registrar's report
a. foshay noted the possible structural changes and reported the following.
.coding of student information is moving forward slowly due to technical problems. 
.convocation in thunder bay will be held on may 31st and in orillia, it will be held on june 7th.
.february 15th is the due date for loading sheets.
.an additional late graduand, whitney bragnalo, was approved.
.passwords should not have been sent via email to access colleague and benefactor.
dean's report
the budget process is underway in aec.  budget summary packages are being reviewed.  until this process in finalized, chairs should assume they have what was in place for last year when finalizing loading sheets for the registrar.  the final decision for nine-month term appointments will not be made for another few weeks. to avoid problems with the collective agreement, numbers can be used to identify sessionals.  also, chairs should check with k.
fedderson and a. den otter regarding orillia budgetary matters.   
t. dunk will try to assist departments from his budget carry-over for important durable items that were not funded.  chairs will be contacted over the next few weeks to establish appropriate decisions regarding the contingency fund.
budget computer requests
departmental computer requests seem to be viewed positively.  tsc has been contacted for cost estimates to finance mac/micro-soft lab tops for a one-time only expenditure.
end of term chairs
those chairs whose terms end on june 30, 2008 should be working on the internal process for appointment or reappointment of chairs.
library - 1st floor
a committee of ten has been established to investigate the set-up of a learning common on the first floor of the library.  the investigation will look at changing the floor's primary focus into a learning centre accommodating such things as a writing centre and common spaces for 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to hang about.  it is envisioned as a one-step area for learning needs.
a discussion followed.
visit on february 27th of dominican college, ottawa
the senate academic committee has organized a visit of representatives from the dominican college in ottawa on february 27th.  the college offers undergraduate and graduate philosophy courses and hopes to receive government funding through university affiliation.  they have had previous contact with the department of philosophy.  a discussion followed.  attendance was encouraged.
susc request for information by march 31st
susc, as deemed by the academic plan, will be approaching departments to provide information on course offerings.   outdoor recreation has used a template/chart format to provide the requested information.  departments may follow this example if they wish.
macleans magazine
阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 's ranking in macleans magazine is now available.  the survey this year seems to be more professional.
departmental reports 
modular degrees
for information, t. dunk noted that the calendar entries for modular degrees have not yet been completed, but are on their way.  checking departmental entries for language will take place over the next little while.  discussion followed.
indigenous learning - internal adjunct professor - dr.kristin burnett
it was moved by d. mcpherson and seconded by j. leggatt that dr. kristin burnett be appointed an internal adjunct professor in the department of indigenous learning.
any other business
review of current practices in the university concerning the presentation of sensitive/emotionally charged course material.
policy establishing a maximum for peer evaluation as a component of final course mark.
t. dunk explained that the senate academic committee has asked for information on these two issues from departments and would like to collect this information for review and debate.  j. vogrig will send out an email request to departments for their responses.                                      
the meeting adjourned at 11:05 a.m.
thunder bay campus
e. auger
t. dufresne
t. dunk
a. foshay
d. ivison
g. hayman
p. jasen
d. jobin-bevans
s. islam
j. leggatt
d. mcpherson
m.n. rinne
v. schonberger
h. smith
v. smith
s.d. stone
orillia campus
a. den otter
e. irwin
invited guest
b. cuthbertson
g. colton
m. maclean
b. stolar