faculty meeting thursday, january 10, 2008

thursday, january 10, 2008 - 12:00am
atac 5035
there will be a meeting of the council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
on thursday, january 10, 2008 at 9:00 a.m.  in room 5035 (atac building).
1.       approval of agenda.
2.       approval of the november minutes.   
3.       business arising from the minutes.
changes to the concurrent education program
4.       registrar's report.
5.       dean's report.
6.       departmental reports.
departmental calendar changes - modular degrees.
languages - french 4810 (doc. 1)
native languages.
7.       other business.
8.       adjournment.
victor smith
chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council.
faculty of social sciences and humanities council
thursday, november 29, 2007
a meeting of the faculty council was held on thursday, november 29, 2007 at 1:30 p.m. in the atac board room 5035.
v. smith welcomed orillia colleagues and called the meeting to order.
approval of agenda
it was moved by j. leggatt and seconded by p. jasen that the agenda be approved.
approval of the minutes
it was moved by c. southcott and seconded by k. yu that the minutes of october 18th be approved with the following corrections:
under "attendance" add m.n. rinne and e. auger.
under "dean's report" correct the date of lisa richardson's memorial
business arising from the minutes
there was none. 
registrar's report
a. foshay distributed the list of november graduands.
it was moved by h. smith and seconded by g. munro that the list of november graduands be approved.
enabling motion
it was moved by c. southcott and seconded by m. maclean that the dean of the faculty, the chair/director of the department/school and the registrar be empowered to approve graduands who do not appear on the convocation list, but who are found to have completed all of the requirements for their undergraduate degrees and diplomas by the day of convocation; and similarly, the dean of graduate studies and research, the chair/director of the department/school and the registrar be empowered to approve graduate degrees and diplomas; and that such graduands be placed on record by senate at the next senate meeting following the meeting at which graduands are normally approved.
dean's report
faculty restructuring
deans' council discussion regarding restructuring is ongoing.  t. dunk will be meeting with the department of psychology on friday regarding restructuring.  there are many different approaches and departments should be reviewing them.
changes to the concurrent education program
changes to the concurrent education program will be brought before senate.  the calendar changes will encourage concurrent 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to consult with their respective ss&h program advisors.
discussion regarding acceptable electives for 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 followed.  it was agreed that this be deferred to the next faculty council.  this will allow for departmental discussion and preparation for a motion to be brought to the floor.
celebration of research and scholarly activity
a celebration of ss&h research and scholarly activity took place on november 16th from 1-3 pm in the agora.  t. dunk thanked all who had participated.  m. beaulieu received special mention for his assistance.
research week
this year's research office 'research week' will provide a higher profile for  social sciences and humanities. 
at the last deans'council meeting, budget materials which included guidelines and time-lines, were distributed.  the final budget package will be sent to the vice-president (academic) in early january.  she will then forward budget packages to aec. 
durable requests this year will not include computer upgrades.  it is suggested that departments implement a three-year computer life plan (with an approximate cost of $1300 per computer) for full-time faculty.  this figure should then be incorporated into departmental budget requests.  part-time faculty requirements cannot be included in these projections.
aboriginal initiatives
b. sabourine, vice-provost (aboriginal initiatives), will be distributing a fact-finding questionnaire to departments regarding courses or programs that have a significant aboriginal component.  chairs must decide which of their courses or programs fit into this category.  this is for inventorial purposes only.
student overload requests
chairs should check carefully to ensure that 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 requesting overload have a 70% average.
departmental reports
inquiry into interprofessional health
t. dunk welcomed ian newhouse, dean of professional schools, to the meeting.
i. newhouse spoke to the calendar change noting that the orillia inquiry course could be used as a credit towards the hba/ hbsc programs.
it was moved by t. dufresne and seconded by j. leggatt that the orillia "inquiry into interprofessional health education" calendar change be approved.
modular degree calendar changes
b. strang explained that modular degrees will give more choices and flexibility to 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 ' programs.  the high demand for such programming was noted at the ontario university fair and the university wishes to respond.  a lengthy discussion followed.
it was moved by b. strang and seconded by h. smith that the faculty council approve the modular degree changes in principle and delegate an ad hoc committee consisting of chairs, b. strang and the dean to meet in the month of december to seek to harmonize and modify calendar changes based on the principle of the discussion of faculty council.
on behalf of the faculty council, v. smith thanked the chairs and b. strang  for all their hard work.
native languages
to allow for a clearer understanding of the proposed calendar changes,
it was moved by h. smith and seconded by j. leggatt that the native languages changes be deferred to the next faculty council meeting.
it was moved by j. leggatt and seconded by s. islam that the philosophy calendar changes be approved.
political science
after discussion and revision suggestions,
it was moved by s. islam and seconded by h. smith that the political science calendar changes be approved.
visual arts
after discussion and revision suggestions,
it was moved by m. nisenholt and seconded by e. auger that visual arts calendar changes be approved.
women's studies
it was moved by h. smith and seconded by j. leggatt that the women's studies calendar changes be approved.
any other business
upcoming on-campus prospective recruitment events
the following dates were noted:
.november 30th - program day
.february 22nd    - "it's about you" (for grade 11 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 ).
questions should be directed to andrea.huillery@lakeheadu.ca.
committee for a proposed program in cultural or film or media studies
it was moved by j. leggatt and seconded by s. islam that a committee composed of the following volunteers meet to discuss a proposed program in cultural or film or media studies.
t. dufresne
d. ivison
j. roth
j. nicholas
m. beaulieu
m. nisenholt
d. west
anyone else who may be interested in participating will be invited.
on behalf of faculty council, v. smith wished everyone the complements of the season.
the meeting adjourned at 4:05 p.m.
thunder bay campus
e. auger
t. dufresne
t. dunk
a. foshay
g. hayman
s. islam
p. jasen
j. leggatt
m. maclean
d. mcpherson
b. moazzami
g. munro
j. nicholas
m. nisenholt
t. puddephatt
m.n. rinne
j. roth
v. schonberger
g. siddall
b. stolar
c. southcott
s.d. stone
b. strang
h. smith
v. smith
k. yu
orillia campus
e. irwin
a. den otter
l. clement
l. rotenberg
special guest
i. newhouse
g. colton
d. ivison
r. martin