faculty meeting friday, january 12, 2007

friday, january 12, 2007 - 12:00am
atac 5035
subject:        council meeting                                
there will be a meeting of the council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
on friday, january 12, 2007 at 1:30 p.m.  in room 5035 (atac building).
approval of agenda.
approval of the november 24th minutes.  
business arising from the minutes.
report from the november meeting of cfhss - d. west
exploring potential involvement with the food security research and service exchange network  - c. nelson & d. west, co-directors; j. henderson, m. stadey, community-academic liaison staff
dean's report.
adjunct professors - psychology department - dr. j. mcauliffe and dr. m. bedard
departmental reports.
music calendar changes (doc. 1)
other business.
victor smith
chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council.
faculty of social sciences and humanities council
friday, november 24, 2006
a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, november 24, 2006 at 1:30 p.m. in the atac board room 5035.
v. smith called the meeting to order.
1.   approval of agenda
it was moved by m. maclean and seconded by m. richardson that the agenda be approved.
2.   approval of the minutes
it was moved by s.d. stone and seconded by g. hayman that the minutes of october 20th be approved.
3.  business arising from the minutes.
hbed (aboriginal education)
gb strang informed council that at its last meeting, the senate undergraduate studies committee recommended the approval of the education proposal in principal, but requested that it be changed from the hbed to a four-year bed.  the dean of education may bring the proposal to the floor of the next senate meeting despite the susc recommendation.  a lengthy discussion resulted in the following motion:
it is moved by r. robson and seconded by t. dufresne that the faculty of social sciences and humanities council supports the desire to improve the current education diploma, but expresses its concern with the honours bachelor of education (aboriginal education) proposal, as it is based on insufficient consultation, will perpetuate the ghettoization of aboriginal education, and does not meet acceptable academic standards.
                                                                                carried unanimously.
4.  dean's report 
b. strang reported.
b. strang noted that the ptr process was in good shape and thanked j. vogrig for her assistance.
library funding
the library foundation application for electronic journals has been successful and tenders can now go forward.  a. deighton can be contacted for details.
climate survey
the results of the climate survey will soon be published.
exchange program
dr. panu, associate vice-president of research, has announced that an international exchange program originally created for engineers has now become available to other canadian university 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .  details can be found on the research office website.  chairs are encouraged to recruit qualified 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .  names of interested 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 can be forwarded to j. vogrig, g.b. strang or dr. panu.
email system
s. jafri, director of tsc, has implemented a new email system due to the instability of the old one.  because of this, many have experienced an inability to access their email over the last two week period.  it is expected that a total transfer to the new system will be finalized by monday, november 27th.  there will be a three-month grace period to allow for the transfer of items on the old system to the new one.
research building
the foundation application to support a new university research building has not been successful.
phased retirement
a phased retirement policy has been approved by deans'council.  a three-year phased retirement is an option to faculty. it also allows departments to receive partial support in each year as well as the ability to apply for a full-time replacement at the end of the three-year period.
growth positions
deans' council and aec have completed three of the four-tier preliminary process with regard to graduate expansion and growth positions.  13 positions have gone forward.  the fourth-tier criteria are not yet finalized. 
department submissions must encompass pages 10-15 of the academic plan. orillia should also be incorporated.  arguments revolving around the terms "sustainability", "comprehensiveness" and "efficiency" are highly recommended.
dean's search
interviews should take place in the near future.
5.  graduands
a.foshay distributed the list of graduands.
it was moved by l. paquette and seconded by s.-d. stone that the list of graduands be approved.
it was moved by c. southcott and seconded by m. richardson that, as standing policy, the dean of the faculty, the chair/director of the department/school and the registrar be empowered to approve graduands who do not appear on the convocation list, but who are found to have completed all of the requirements for their undergraduate degrees and diplomas by the day of convocation and that similarly, the dean of graduate studies, the chair/director of the department/school and the registrar be empowered to approve graduate degrees and diplomas; and that such graduands be placed on record by senate at the next senate meeting following the meeting at which graduands are normally approved.
6.  departmental reports
english calendar changes
it was moved by d. ivison and seconded by m. richardson that the english changes be approved.
history calendar changes
it was moved by l. paquette and seconded by d. ivison that the history calendar changes be approved.
philosophy calendar changes
it was moved by t. dufresne and seconded by m. richardson that the philosophy calendar changes be approved.
psychology calendar changes 
it was moved by g. hayman and seconded by m. richardson that the psychology calendar changes be approved.
7.         other business
there was none.
the meeting adjourned at   3:40 p.m.
e. auger
t. dufresne
t. dunk
g. hayman
r. holmes
s. islam
d. ivison
m. maclean
a. nabarra
l. paquette
j.m. richardson
r. robson
j. roth
k. santerre
m. shannon
v. schonberger
s.d. stone
v. smith
b. strang
a. foshay
a. carastathis
a. clarke
r. harpelle
d. jobin-bevans