faculty meeting friday, january 13, 2006
friday, january 13, 2006 - 12:00am
atac 5035
there will be a meeting of the council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
on friday, january 13. 2006 at 2:00 p.m. in room 5035 (atac building).
1. approval of agenda.
2. approval of the november 11th minutes
3. business arising from the minutes.
4. dean's report.
5. departmental and committee reports.
i history - calendar changes (doc. 1)
ii music - calendar changes (doc. 2)
iii native access - calendar changes (doc. 3)
iv psychology - calendar changes (doc. 4)
v sociology - (a) ph.d. proposal (doc. 5)
sociology - (b) calendar changes (doc. 5a)
6. adjunct professors
i psychology - drs. mary donaghy, steven donaghy, paul johnston,
scott sellick (three year term)
7. other business.
i membership - faculty of graduate studies council
8. adjournment.
bruce strang
chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council.
faculty of social sciences and humanities council
friday, november 11, 2005
a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, november 11, 2005 at 10:30 a.m. in the atac board room 5035.
1. approval of agenda
it was moved by p. wakewich and seconded by j. leggatt that the agenda be approved.
2. approval of the minutes
it was moved by d. ivison and s. islam that the minutes of october 14th be approved.
3. business arising from the minutes.
there was none.
4. dean's report
i) merit
the deadline for merit applications is november 15th. for those who would like the dean to provide merit reference letters, a day's notice would be appreciated.
ii) orillia
council has approved, in principle, the establishment of a new orillia program to commence in the fall of 2006. the proposal is now before the senate undergraduate studies committee and the senate budget committee.
l. lovett-doust and k. fedderson will provide a presentation at the next susc meeting to harmonize the current working proposal from their respective faculties. they hope there will be approval in principle. a working task force will modify the program so that the ouac guelph website will provide a description for orillia 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
by december 1st. the program will continue to be modified and revised for the senate budget committee and the three faculties participating, science & environmental studies, social sciences & humanities and education, would like to receive a positive recommendation at the end of the process.
iii) budget process for 2006/07
k. fedderson thanked all chairs for providing their proposals last week. the total requests would require a budget enhancement of 1 million dollars. these requests were brought forward to deans' council last wednesday and those deans who were not yet ready, were given a one week extension by the vice-president (academic).
it spoke well of the ss&h faculty to have met the deadline as well as to the chairs for following the four criteria of centrality, equality, uniformity and consistency. reference to the charter emphasized that units do not have the resources necessary to do their work at an adequate level of quality. science and environmental studies is in a similar same position. it is crucial that the necessary catch-up be recognized. hopefully, after discussions in deans' council, there will be a united agreement of priority. if deans' council is not able to do this, the vice-president (academic) will.
a discussion followed.
k. fedderson emphasized the need for transparency and openness in the process, along with a priority order of replacement positions, restoration of supplies consumables, sessional budgets and new growth positions.
iv) academic plan
the senate academic planning committee is asking for a new university academic plan for 2006-2010. an information session was provided a week ago for social sciences and humanities chairs. this was meant to assist chairs' understanding of the difference between learning objectives and outcomes. this afternoon an instructional workshop will take place from 1 - 3 p.m. in conference room a of the bartley residence. if any other information is required by chairs, please ask k. fedderson. he will be happy to visit departments if necessary.
units are being asked to articulate goals over the next four years. the goals in the academic plan will serve as a benchmark for new resources and requests. chairs should work collectively as a faculty to establish a new level of quality. the deadline is december 15th.
v) ba-hba/bed degree proposal
there has been a lot of discussion. because the faculty of education is currently undergoing accreditation, the timing of this proposal is unfortunate and education has requested that the proposal be postponed until after the review has been completed. it has been agreed that the proposal will now be discussed in december. all chairs whose programs are concurrent education programs will participate in the process along with the deans of education, science & environmental studies and social sciences & humanities. meetings will be arranged when everyone is available.
vi) ss&h orillia task force
at the last meeting, it was agreed to establish a subcommittee that would develop the orillia proposal. it was agreed that there would be 2 members from the humanities, 2 members from the social sciences and 1 member from an interdisciplinary program. there is now a need to establish the committee and also to have a joint committee which includes the faculty of science and environmental studies working together.
it was agreed by consensus that the dean would call for nominations to serve on the committee from the faculty and then establish a ballot based on the nominations received.
5. departmental reports
i) calendar changes - english department
it was moved by j. leggatt and seconded by l. di matteo that the english calendar changes be approved.
v. smith agreed to act as council chair while b. strang spoke to the following motion.
ii) calendar changes - history department
it was moved by b. strang and seconded by k. fedderson that the history calendar changes be approved with the following friendly amendment:
history 3xxx historiography 300; 3-0
2nd paragraph, end of 2nd sentence:
add: "within shifting historical context."
b. strang resumed the role of chair.
iii) native access status
k. fedderson informed council that s. rowe, councillor and native access coordinator was no longer with the university as his contract had not been extended.
k. fedderson has met with dr. l. gilcrhist, vice-provost of aboriginal initiatives and connie hartviksen, coordinator of native nursing. all have agreed that c. hartviksen will serve as acting coordinator for the native access program reporting to the faculty. l. gilchrist is currently hiring a new councillor who should arrive by next week.
iv) calendar changes - political sciences department
it was moved by g. munro and seconded by l. di matteo that the political sciences calendar changes be approved.
v) calendar changes - psychology department
it was moved by r. davis and seconded by g. siddell that the psychology calendar changes be approved.
vi) faculty recuritment committee report
h. smith updated council. the process to plan a permanent joint faculty display is underway and all chairs will be asked for input.
with regard to a december 2nd visit by high school 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
, robert perrier of academic advising has contacted department chairs regarding their displays. academic advising will be asked to modify the focus on faculty resources in the morning session by giving equal respect to every department. however the afternoon session will remain the same.
vii) enrolment committee report
p. wakewich explained that the committee has not yet met and had nothing to report.
6. any other business
there was none.
7. adjournment.
the meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m.
a. carastathis
r, davis
l. di matteo
e. epp
r. farrell
k. fedderson
m. flegel
p. jasen
s. islam
d. ivison
j. leggatt
r. maundrell
g. munro
m. nisenholt
v. schonberger
m. shaw
g. siddall
h. smith
v. smith
b. strang
b. stolar
p. wakewich
g. colton
d. jobin-bevans
m. maclean
a. nabarra
c. southcott