faculty meeting friday, november 11, 2005
friday, november 11, 2005 - 12:00am
atac 5035
subject: council meeting
there will be a meeting of the council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
on friday, november 11. 2005 at 10:30 a.m. in room 5035 (atac building).
1. approval of agenda.
2. approval of the october 14th minutes
3. business arising from the minutes.
4. dean's report.
5. departmental and committee reports.
i english - calendar changes (doc. 1),(doc 1a)
ii history-calendar changes (doc. 2)
iii native access-status of the native access program
iv political science - calendar changes (doc. 3)
v psychology - calendar changes (doc. 4)
v recruitment committee report
vi enrolment committee report
6. other business.
7. adjournment.
bruce strang
chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council.
faculty of social sciences and humanities council
friday, october 14, 2005
a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, october 14, 2005 at 1:30 p.m. in the atac board room 5035.
1. approval of agenda
it was moved by d. west and seconded by j. siddall that the agenda be approved with the following changes:
"canadian federation for humanities and social sciences - d. west" added as item i) under 'other business.'
2. introduction of new colleagues and guests
k. fedderson welcomed and introduced the following new colleague and guest:
a) spencer rowe, program coordinator for native access and counsellor for aboriginal culture and support services
b) john smith, director of academic advising - enrolment management (attachment 1)
j. smith met with the faculty enrolment management committee on thursday. they requested that he also speak to faculty council. he spoke about current advising problems in the university and provided suggestions for mprovements. a discussion followed.
it was affirmed that departmental chairs and advisors were the final legal authority for approval of student programs. currently, the registrar's office is working on improving the datatel system. academic units should work closely with the registrar and academic advising.
3. approval of the minutes
it was moved by dr. west and seconded by a. carastathis that the minutes of september 16th be approved.
4. business arising from the minutes.
i) interdisciplinary programs in social sciences and humanities
k. fedderson introduced a new document for consideration by council with respect to offering an interdisciplinary ba and hba in orillia. he presented a split motion for council to consider. discussion followed. a friendly amendment removed the word "interdisciplinary" from the first motion.
it was moved by k. fedderson and seconded by d. west that council approve in principle to establish two new programs, a ba and hba in social
sciences and humanities, at lakehead's satellite campus in orillia only.
carried. (1 abstention)
discussion followed with regard to the second motion. two friendly amendments:
i) added to the second mandate of the task force "with a view to explore the possibility of creating an interdisciplinary and/or multidisciplinary program" and
ii) included in the composition of the task force "a member of an interdisciplinary program."
it was moved by k. fedderson and seconded by p. wakewich that council approve the establishment of ss&h at orillia task force with the following mandate:
. to review undergraduate initiatives elsewhere where relevant
. to review the ba and hba in social sciences and
humanities proposals with a view to explore the possibility of
creating an interdisciplinary and/or multidisciplinary program
and recommend any required changes to senate by april 30,
proposed composition: two faculty members in humanities;
two faculty in social sciences; one faculty in science; the dean
[ex officio]; one faculty in an interdisciplinary program and two
carried unanimously.
ii) committee report on the conceptual framework for the university's research plan.
s. pound spoke on behalf of the report on the conceptual framework for the university's research plan. discussion followed.
it was moved by k. fedderson and seconded by p. jasen that the faculty formally accept this report with the following amendments:
item 2. paragraph 1. ."finances" should replace "economics"
"financial" should replace "economic".
paragraph 3. line 1. "a crucial factor" should replace "the
crucial factor."
last line. eliminate "(e.g. through data reported in
citation indices)."
council formally acknowledged the work of this committee.
5. departmental reports
i) calendar changes
department of sociology:
it was moved by t. dunk and seconded by h. smith that the sociology calendar changes be approved.
6. other business
i) sshrc consultation on open access - c. southcott
c, southcott provided council with handouts on sshrc's open
access consultation. sshrc has requested responses to a series of policy and operations questions from stakeholders. he noted that the deadline for comments is october 31st.
ii) canadian federation for humanities and social sciences - d. west
d. west, the current cfhss representative, updated council. the federation website provides access to publishing debates, copyrights and equity issues (women's issues). he felt it should have a formalized place in the faculty with a council representative. the federation is important both across the country and to the university. many people work on committees within the federation and two major interactive accomplishments are:
1) congress meetings (formerly the learneds - which are
becoming larger)
2) national dialogue for higher education
d. west will work with the webmaster to provide a cfhss link on the faculty web page. he asked that a formal process be put into place for the next person chosen as a cfhss council representative.
iii) faculty recruitment committee
h. smith reported that the recruitment committee met on wednesday. a future meeting of chairs and coordinators will deal with options on how to present ourselves.
7. dean's report
i) academic plan
the senate academic committee has brought forward an academic plan proposal to senate. the current academic plan has not been revised for two years. the strategic plan identifies the absence of an academic plan in units and needs to be addressed.
a process has been set in motion to develop a plan for 2006-10. department goals will be collected and brought together to form a new academic plan. the deadline for this process is december 15th.
ii) resource allocation
there has been no agreement this year at deans' council with regard to the budget process. the aec has not identified new positions for next year. in reality, three positions are pending at the moment: engineering, psychology and visual arts. the vice-president (academic) has also recognized the current inadequacy of faculty supplies consumables.
iii) enrolment summary
the november enrolment summary is on the faculty council web site. this year, the enrolment more accurately reflects social sciences and humanities numbers within the concurrent education program. social sciences and humanities enrolment is stable and represents 33% of the university's enrolment. it is up by 2% this year. business, professional schools and science & environmental studies are down slightly.
8. adjournment.
the meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m.
d. jean-bevan
a. carastathis
g. colton
r, davis
a. den otter
l. di matteo
t. dunk
r. farrell
k. fedderson
m. flegel
p. jasen
s. islam
d. ivison
j. leggatt
m. maclean
g. munro
a. nabarra
c. parkes
s. pound
s. rowe
m. shaw
g. siddall
h. smith
b. strang
p. wakewich
d. west
invited guests
j. smith
e. epp
b. stolar
attachment 1
academic advising
ss&h faculty council - october 14, 2005
john d. smith - i have recently moved from steinbach, mb where i was the site manager for one of the rural centres for red river college. prior to this i have had work experiences in residence life, the registrar's office, admissions, advising, and career services. i have a b.a. in sociology from the college of the ozarks in missouri, and an m.a. in higher education administration from the university of arizona in tucson.
as the new coordinator of the office of academic advising, i have been on campus for four months. during this time i have observed some trends that have given me some reason for concern. i am in need of some direction from the deans and the department chairs as to how to handle certain situations and possibly gain some institutional history and background. the faculty i have talked with one on one are very student focused and to them student success is paramount, thus i am seeking some direction from this body.
during my short tenure i have noticed the following:
- 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 currently subscribes to the split model of advising. this model is designed in the following manner: incoming and transitioning 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 use the professional advisors in the office of academic advising, while 2nd, 3rd and 4th year 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 take advantage of the expertise of the faculty for advising.
this model is ideal in theory, using professional advisors to smooth the transition of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
to the campus and having faculty advise 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
entrenched in their major departments.
in keeping with this model, the office of academic advising has the mandate to service all incoming undergraduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
and also 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
transitioning from one program to another. the problem is that i estimate 40% of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
serviced by my office do not fall under my mandate. this means that 40% of my human and financial resources are used to service 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
that fall outside the mandate of my office. this also means that this 40% are not getting the benefit of being advised by their faculty.
· how do we move the 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
from my office to the offices of the faculty members?
· what can my office do to aid the chairs and the departmental advisors in their task of advising 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
· many chairs feel confident in their role as advisor, but many send 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
back to my office to "double check" what they have been told.
· do we have a systemic access problem? are the chairs or faculty as available as they need to be considering our advising model?
· are the chairs the right choice to represent the departments as advisors?
- 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 are falling through the cracks when it comes to advancing them from year to year in their programs. the continuation codes are not being uniformly used, thus 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 are being advanced when they should not be.
- my office, in conjunction with the senior staff of the office of admissions, went case by case through 135 student transcripts and made decisions on whether the student should be placed in a different program, be required to drop out of a certain program, or whether the student needed to stop out for 2 years and reapply.
- these 135 cases were the desperate cases that no one knew what to do with. there were another 750 to 800 that were in academic jeopardy that were handled by the office of the registrar.
- the 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 i was looking at have failed 2 to 4 full years in a row and yet they were allowed to continue in their programs. at this point it is numerically impossible for them to graduate from their program.
- the office of the registrar is the certifier and keeper of records. they are also the watchdog of university regulations. they neither have the expertise nor the staff to make academic decisions on behalf of the departments.
- what can we do together to make sure these 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 are given appropriate guidance? unfortunately these are the 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 that do not ask for guidance or advice.
- there is an early alert program waiting for a cohort. the early alert program has two components: 1) intrusive advising, and 2) mandatory student success workshops.
- there must be buy in by the faculty as the frontline that encounters 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 on a daily basis in class.
- faculty must use the automated system to alert the advisors when there is a potential problem before it escalates to a point where we are to late to intervene.
- faculty must be available to aid 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in departmental advising when called upon.
- retention, retention, retention! it is easier to salvage a student already in a program, than it is to go to southern ontario and bring a new student into the program.
- my office is looking for a natural cohort on which to test the program and fine tune it before it goes campus wide.
my overall feeling is that 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
is truly an institution that is student centered. with your help, perhaps we can make some systemic adjustments to have our operational processes better follow suit.
i am always available to the deans or the chairs for any purpose that aids the success of the student. anything my office can do to aid the faculty in their advising role; we are ready, able, and willing.
please contact me at your convenience:
john d. smith
coordinator of academic advising
uc 1002
(807) 346-7916