faculty meeting friday, october 14, 2005
friday, october 14, 2005 - 12:00am
atac 5035
there will be a meeting of the council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
on friday, october 14. 2005 at 1:30 p.m. in room 5035 (atac building).
1. approval of agenda.
2. presentation by john smith, director of academic advising.
3. approval of the september 16th minutes
4. business arising from the minutes.
i) interdisciplinary hba (doc. 1)
ii) research plan response committee (doc. 2)
5. dean's report.
i) academic planning
ii) resource allocation 2006-07
iii) nov. 1 enrolment summary (doc. 3)
6. departmental reports.
i ) sociology - calendar changes (doc. 4 )
7. other business.
i) canadian federation for humanities and social sciences - d. west
8. adjournment.
bruce strang
chair, social sciences and humanities faculty council.
faculty of social sciences and humanities council
friday, september 16, 2005
a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, september 16, 2005 at 1:00 p.m. in the atac board room 5035.
1. council chair
it was moved by l. di matteo and seconded by p. wakewich that bruce strang be nominated to
serve as our next council chair.
2. introduction of new colleagues and guests
k. fedderson welcomed and introduced the following guests:
a) john smith, director of academic advising.
b) tove tronslien, webmaster.
tove provided a presentation for members on how to access council materials from the
faculty web page. it was noted that any problems faculty council members may encounter trying to access the faculty council web site should be directed to judy or tove in an e-mail outlining the nature of the problem. also, ideas on how to enhance the faculty webpage should be directed to judy by e-mail.
p. jasen requested that a small number of hard copies of council materials should be
made available for faculty council members. this practice should commence for the
next meeting.
c) j. siddall, newly appointed director of instructional development at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
this position is currently a one-year appointment. j. siddall welcomed any opportunity to assist faculty with such things as workshops, etc. she can be contacted either by phone or e- mail.
other new colleagues were introduced as follows:
j. leggatt, chair of english, introduced new english colleagues:
. dr. monica flegel
. dr. anna guttman
. dr. chris parkes
3. approval of agenda
it was moved by v. smith and seconded by p. wakewich that the agenda be approved with the following changes:
item 3 moved to item 6, and the numbering order revised accordingly.
4. approval of the minutes
it was moved by t. dunk and d. ivison that the minutes of may 11th be approved.
it was moved by t. dunk and a. carastathis that the minutes of may 12th be approved.
it was moved by t. dunk and h. smith that the minutes of may 13th be approved.
5. business arising from the minutes.
there was none.
6. conceptual framework for the university's research plan. - a. klymenko
k. fedderson introduced anne klymenko who spoke on behalf of dr. r. wang, vice- president of research.
anne addressed the circulated document on the conceptual framework for the university's research plan. she emphasized that it was at the draft stage and was not the final version that would be presented for senate approval. she asked council for their feedback. b. strang was also a member of the research committee who could answer questions. a discussion followed.
there was a query with regard to the balance in the report: 45% for teaching,
45% for research and 10% for service. it was felt that 'service' was underrepresented. 'service' provided faculty the necessary time for teaching and research.
with respect to promotion and tenure, the report's research criteria seemed to be restricted to external funding. some faculty research was of the nature that did not require such funding, while other research did not need immediate money and was done through faculty resources. it was explained that this aspect had been addressed and will be reflected in the final draft. on the external front, maclean's have limited their definition of research in canadian universities by equating income to productivity.
the meaning of interdisciplinary and prioritized areas such as those found on pages 3 and 7 of the report was not clear.
b. strang stated that these issues had not been fully discussed. in order to provide a more comprehensive draft to identify research, a culture and society research stream had been incorporated as a criterion.
k. fedderson raised the following issues:
1) i the areas of research
ii definition of research intensiveness at the university
2) every full-time faculty is obliged to do research. budget requirements
should not influence promotion and tenure. colleagues within the
university should receive adequate support. new principles should
support research at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
irrespective of discipline or the
focus of nserc.
b. strang also shared this concern and again pointed to the framework of "culture and society."
discussion continued.
b. strang noted that external research criteria does now require societal impacts with
funding requests. he emphasized that the vice-president academic shares the committee's concerns. it had been observed that some research intensive universities
have cut down faculty teaching loads to two.
a. klymenko explained that current research funding criteria is consistent with others in the system.
it was suggested that a small faculty committee be formed to represent the will
of the faculty of social sciences and humanities and write a response to the research
it was moved by d. west and seconded by j. leggat that a formal committee
be struck to represent the will of the faculty and a develop a collective response to the
"conceptual framework for the university's research plan."
the following individuals responded to a call for volunteers to serve on the committee:
1) scott pound
2) pam wakewich
3) patricia jasen
4) aris carastathis.
b. strang asked the committee to bring a report back to the next council meeting. the
final report would then be forwarded to senate.
7. faculty council meeting schedule
it was moved by j. leggatt and seconded by l. di matteo that the faculty
council meeting schedule for 2005/06 be approved with the following
i) the room for the april 7, 2006 meeting has been changed to atac 3004.
ii) an additional meeting may be required in december 2005, and
iii) a rescheduled meeting may be required in may 2006 to accommodate
graduand approval.
8. ss&h key dates 2005-06
the key dates for 2005-06 were presented to council. it was noted that the faculty
key dates should include october 1st which is the deadline for sshrc applications.
9. interdisciplinary hba motion
k. fedderson spoke to the proposal with respect to transforming the general program
in social sciences and humanities into an interdisciplinary program. he pointed to the poor quality of the current general ba program. attempts to improve the quality have begun by raising the average for graduating 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
from 50 to 60%. currently registered 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
have been given a six year grace period.
the orillia campus which will be operational by fall 2006 will hopefully accommodate 250 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
. the campus could serve as the introduction for the interdisciplinary program and form its foundation. this would allow the faculty the flexibility to create an interdisciplinary ba which could eventually replace the general ba. the dean of science and environmental studies is also looking at offering an interdisciplinary b.sc. general program. the rationale behind the interdisciplinary ba is provided on page 1 of faculty council support document 4. a question period followed.
it was noted that m. maclean is the current program coordinator for the general program. consequently, there would be no increase in this year's budget. class sizes for the orillia campus would be limited to 20, 40 and 60. funding issues were discussed. k. fedderson noted that there were no clear answers yet regarding the implications of future costing, accounting, etc. for the program. however, offering such a program, would apply to courses delivered at orillia only and the interdisciplinary program could be the basis for a more focussed university degree. debate continued.
it was moved by h. smith and seconded by j. siddall that council reconsider
this motion at the next meeting.
carried (1 opposed).
10. concurrent education motion
it was moved by k. fedderson and seconded by b. stolar that the faculty of social sciences and humanities would like to alter the curriculum in all social sciences and humanities programs so that beginning in the fall of 2006, only 1 fce of "pre-service" education courses (specifically the series of courses education designated as electives e.g. educ 3410, 3430, 3431, 3432, 3433, 3434, 3435, 3436, 3437, 3438, 2438, 3439, 3458, 3470) would be eligible for credit towards the ba or hba.
this change would end the inconsistently-applied practice of crediting the professionally-oriented "pre-service education courses (1499, 2499, and 2499) towards any ss & h ba or hba degrees.
11. course caps - dr. ron harpelle
t. dunk had been asked to speak on behalf of ron harpelle.
k fedderson pointed out that the committee with regard to enrolment and management (r. harpelle and p. wakewich) had not yet met. j. leggatt volunteered to serve if needed on this committee. the recruitment and orientation committee (d. west, h. smith) had also not met. because these committees have not held a meeting, what the faculty wishes to accomplish has not yet been articulated.
council continued on to the next agenda item.
12. proposed faculty of graduate studies
g. boire spoke to the proposed faculty of graduate studies. he outlined the history
behind the proposal and noted that it was built upon an earlier document in 2000.
the proposal has been approved at senate graduate studies last year, referred to senate,
the senate budget committee and the senate academic committee. he was now involved in a consultation process with a town hall meeting scheduled for october to allow for input from the various academic units, lufa and other interested areas.
he also pointed out that the document was still open for revision and change. he welcomed input from all concerned and a question period followed.
there was discussion regarding the criteria for supervision of graduate theses and teaching loads. it was pointed out that there would be an annual review of graduate faculty and a list of eligible faculty would be provided. where necessary, the graduate studies committee would consider modifications to the criteria to handle unusual circumstances.
discussion turned to research and faculty nserc requirements. it was explained that this aspect could be rewritten or eliminated.
it was moved by g. boire and seconded by p. jasen that council approve in principle the
the establishment of a faculty of graduate studies at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
carried (3 abstentions)
13. undergraduate ethical review
the support document was noted and there was no further comment.
14. dean's report
i continuation codes - millo shaw
m. shaw provided an update to council on the state of continuation codes.
these are the codes assigned to 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
within a department who are
continuing in the program. currently there are some problems with codes. similar
codes have a different meaning in the differing faculties. this has created the following difficulties.
1) there is a computer system problem which is not set up properly to
assess what the status of the student is.
2) in administering the system, problems do not get caught until the
end of july and many 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
who should not go on, are allowed to
the deans, academic advising and their staff are setting up a new comprehensive
coding that will:
1) ensure that the student history can be seen easily in the system
2) assign continuation codes clearly and consistently.
3) allow for special academic discretion due to special circumstances of the individual department and faculty.
by the end of this year, there will be a degree audit ready for review of transcripts and a system in place that will have the strategy to correct the problems of the past.
15. departmental reports
i department of history
it was moved by p. jasen and seconded by h. smith that dr. geoff hudson be approved
as an adjunct professor in the department of history.
ii department of philosophy
it was moved by r. berg and seconded by h. smith that dr. jaro kotalik be renewed
as an adjunct professor in the department of philosophy.
16. other business
there was none.
17. adjournment
the meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.
r. berg
a. carastathis
g. colton
a. den otter
l. di matteo
t. dunk
k. fedderson
m. flagel
a. guttman
p. jasen
s. islam
d. ivison
j. leggatt
g. munro
a. nabarra
c. parkes
s. pound
r. robson
m. shaw
g. siddall
h. smith
v. smith
b. stolar
b. strang
p. wakewich
d. west
invited guests
g. boire
a. klymenko
j. smith
t. tronslien
m. maclean
j. roth
p. vervoort