faculty council meeting - january 10, 2025: dealine for agenda items: friday, january 3, 2025
date: january 3, 2025
to: members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
subject: faculty council meeting
there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:
friday, january 10, 2025 at 10:00 am via zoom
introduction of new faculty
professor elsa piersig
assistant professor - department of political science (tenure track)
zoom link: https://lakeheadu.zoom.us/j/96729203056
meeting id: 967 2920 3056
1. approval of agenda.
2. approval of the following minutes: december 6, 2024
3. business arising from the minutes.
4. calendar change requests.
i) psychology (additional deans – ss&h/ses
2024-soc-8755: course modification - ug - psychology - splitting psyc 1100
ii) interdisciplinary studies
2024-soc-8759: course-modifications-ug-change year level and cross-list with music 2310
2024-soc-8767: courses-modifications-ug-media, film, and communications-change title to website design
2024-soc-8768: courses-new course-ug-media, film, and communications
iii) music
2024-soc-8765: new musi course crossed with mdst
5.1 department/school requests for guest speakers and presentations.
5.2 department /school reports and announcements.
6. dean's report [written]
january 10, 2025
happy 2025! welcome to another year of challenges, opportunities, and possibilities. our faculty remains steadfast in meeting these challenges and we have shown that working together brings us closer to our goals. we have excellent researchers and scholars who continue to inspire our 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and impact our communities. but we are mindful that well-being is vital to our work and 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 ’ success. it is fitting that health and wellness was the first presentation at the provost council on january 8. see accompanying documents.
welcome dr. elsa piersig, department of political science.
congratulations to the following:
dr. sarah olutola, for tenure and promotion to associate professor
dr. davut akca, dr. keira loukes, and dr. debra mackinnon, for renewal.
action items:
1. dean’s mcu textbook report to ipa is due on january 15. department chairs are required to submit a summary compliance report to the dean’s office, using this format: “department x has x faculty and instructors and % has complied with the mcu directive.”
2. budget 2025-26 input from department chairs on total fces. dean to consult with assistant deans and department chairs for the budget presentation on february 5. aim for more realistic targets.
3. curriculum sustainability framework follow-up with separate regular meetings with department chairs.
4. planned institutional strength to establish gr-phd social justice in thunder bay was not realised by end of sma3 (2024). the proposed phd in global studies received numerous feedback and positive support from two consultation sessions. work will continue to move this proposal forward in collaboration with the fgs and other units.
5. initiate a faculty strategic plan following the themes outlined by the university strategic planning process and integrate other program directives and reviews.
thank you!
i) student health and wellness resources:
shw health promotion strategy - 2024 update
slides - health promotion strategy presentation
information and resources for faculty and staff (shw webpage)
wellu mental health champions (shw webpage)
ii) research certification submissions report, oct 1-dec 31, 2024
this report can be accessed using this link.
7. assistant deans’ report.
i) dr. jennifer jarman - orillia campus
ii) dr. tony puddephatt - thunder bay campus
8. other business.
9. next faculty council meeting: friday, february 7, 2025 at 10:00 am via zoom
guest speaker: dylan mazur: director, human rights and equity - ontario legislation on disability taking effect in 2025. documents will be distributed before the council meeting.
10. adjournment.
faculty of social sciences and humanities council
friday, december 6, 2024
a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, december 6, 2024, at 10:00 am via zoom.
c. sanders chaired the meeting in d. hayes’ absence.
brenda huska
knowledge mobilization specialist at epid@work research institute.
knowledge mobilization specialist
epid@work research institute
the northwestern ontario workplace & worker health study, which 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
has agreed to participate in, is hoping to encourage faculty participation in this study. b.huska gave a brief overview of the epic@work research institute, and their mandate. she shared a brief show which outline of what they do, and how those interested can become involved by taking the online survey. more information can be found in the presentation which can be accessed here: https://www.workinghealth.ca/ .
approval of agenda
it was moved by and seconded by i. lemée and a. guttman that the agenda be approved.
approval of minutes
approval of the minutes from november 15, 2024. (a. guttman; i. lemée)
the minutes were accepted as presented.
business arising from the minutes
s. viitala stated that mr. dylan mahzur, director, human rights and equity, would be attending our faculty council meeting on friday, february 7, 2025, to discuss the roles of faculty/instructors with respect to the ontario legislation on disability that will take effect in 2025. documents will be sent out in advance so everyone can review them before the meeting.
calendar change requests
department/school requests.
department/school reports.
i). english:
a. guttman stated that there will be an upcoming presentation which will be held on january 16,
2025 at 10:00 am. more information will follow.
dean’s report.
friday, december 6, 2024.
j. jarman
the institutional analysis and planning office is finalizing the planning for sma4 in the coming months. additional information to that given by dean bonifacio was provided to this office upon request.
all hiring requests submitted to date to the dean’s office have been submitted to the provost for review.
assistant deans’ report
i) dr. jennifer jarman – orillia campus
faculty research award: research and innovation vp, andy dean, has committed $10,000 per year for two years for a faculty research award. while it was hoped we would be able to make two awards, this is only sufficient money for one award. we will set up an awards committee and description of the award shortly.
ii). dr. tony puddephatt – thunder bay campus
dr. puddephatt thanked everyone for submitting their curriculum sustainability reports. he stated that he would be working on this coming weekend. c. sanders thanked him for his work as acting dean for the month of november.
other business.
next faculty council meeting:
the next faculty council meeting with be held in friday, january 10, 2025, at 10:00 am via zoom.
the meeting was adjourned at 10:55 am. (c. sanders)
thunder bay campus
k. burnett
l. chambers
j. chisholm
e. chugunov
a. guttman
d. hannah
d. hayes
s. jacoba
s. jobbitt
i. lemée
b. maiangwa
t. puddephatt
c. sanders
b. vernier
r. warburton
s. viitala - recording
orillia campus
a. den otter
j. jarman
d. krupp
m. stevenson
s. olutola
r. mcveigh
b. birmingham
l. forbes
d. hayes
s. jacoba