faculty council meeting - december 8, 2023: deadline for agenda items: december 1 at 4:30 pm
date: december 1, 2023
to: members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
subject: faculty council meeting
there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:
friday, december 8, 2023 at 10:00 am via zoom.
zoom link: https://lakeheadu.zoom.us/j/98030504149
meeting id: 980 3050 4149
guest speaker: ms. jo krisko – director, international student services
ms. sara melvin - international student advisor, risia
1. approval of agenda.
2. approval of the following minutes: november 10, 2023
3. business arising from the minutes.
i) special requests for student overload
the request shall be approved by the chair subject to an average of 70% and limited to 0.5 fce per term.
4. calendar changes.
i) history
2023-soc-8445: course-discontinuance-gr--history--hist 5761
ii) outdoor recreation, parks and tourism
2023-soc-8229: discontinued courses orpt
2023-soc-8230: new courses orpt
2023-soc-8231: course changes orpt
ii) political science
2023-soc-8436: discontinue courses
iv) sociology
2023-soc-8429: discontinue course
5.1 department/school requests.
5.2 department /school reports.
6. dean’s report.
7. other business.
8. next faculty council meeting: friday, january 5, 2024, at 10:00 am via zoom.
9. adjournment.
faculty of social sciences and humanities council
friday, november 10th, 2023
a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, november 10, 2023, at 10:00 am via zoom.
approval of agenda
it was moved by a. guttman and seconded by d. mackinnon that the agenda be approved.
approval of minutes
approval of the minutes from october 13, 2023. (l. chambers and seconded by k. burnett)
the minutes were accepted as presented.
business arising from the minutes
calendar changes
i) interdisciplinary studies
it was moved by a. den otter and seconded by s. shahsahabi that the following calendar change request
be approved.
2023-soc-8423: discontinuation of mdst 2412.
ii) visual arts
it was moved by s. shahsahabi and seconded by k. holmes that the following calendar change request
be approved.
2023-soc-8397: discontinued course.
department/school requests.
after a short discussion, it was decided that we would invite jo krisko, director, international services, to our next faculty council meeting. s. viitala will contact her to find out her availability.
it was also mentioned that faculty would like more information about micro credentials and the process on how to develop them. they will then be able to decide if there is an opportunity for their own areas.
department/school reports.
i) english
a. guttman stated that there will be a work in progress talk given by dr. kathryn walton on friday, november 24, 2023, at 1:00 pm in oa 3014 at the orillia campus. this event will also be offered via zoom. dr. walton talk is entitled, “legitimizing magic: the poetics of the supernatural in the medieval literature.”
ii). gender and women’s studies
l. chambers mentioned that their next feminist dialogues speaker series will be taking place on friday, november 17, 2023. the speaker will be christine hughes who is a recent ma graduate in canadian history. the title of her presentation is, “so courage with your pen!”: jane rule and the publication of desert of the heart. you can attend in person at at 3004 or via zoom.
iii) history
m. stevenson announced that there will be an online book launch and discussion with the authors of the book entitled, “framing the holocaust: photographs of a mass shooting in latvia, 1941” edited by v. hebért, on thursday, november 16, 2023, at 7:30 pm. this event is co-organized by the united states holocaust memorial museum and 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
’s departments of history and interdisciplinary studies.
iv) music
a. carastathis announced that there were several concerts scheduled for the music department and include:
voice student recital, 2:00 pm, november 26, jean mcnulty recital hall
vocal ensemble, 8:00 pm, december 4, trinity united church
winter recital (organized by music 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
), 12:30 pm, december 5, jean mcnulty recital hall
wind ensemble, 7:00 pm, december 5, jean mcnulty recital hall
new music ensemble, 7:00 pm, december 6, jean mcnulty recital hall
v) outdoor recreation, parks and tourism
l. potvin spoke about the micro credentials that outdoor recreation had developed in conjunction with the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
community zone. she was willing to share her experience with others who might be interested in starting their own project.
vi) visual arts
s. shahsahabi stated that mr. jeff thomas will give a talk for the department of visual arts for visu 4213: history of 20th and 21st century canadian art. this will take place on wednesday, november 29, 2023, at 9:30 am. all are welcome.!
dean’s report.
november 10, 2023
g. bonifacio gave a powerpoint presentation outlining her goals and ideas for the future of the faculty.
the presentation included goals, values, and principles; a 100-day action plan as well as initiatives for building communities.
there was also mention of faculty-led events such as environmental militarism, gender, and sustainable futures which could provide opportunities for 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
and faculty to engage and share knowledge.
some of the other topics mentioned were to simplify procedures; sabbatical information; assistant dean; and the current budget. there was also mention of the following: increase promotion of our courses so 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
are more aware of what courses we offer; faculty led events and working to build more community engagement.
our office will be setting up times for leadership circles and bi-weekly orillia chats.
discussion followed about the current budget situation and how to deal with zero dollars now and moving forward.
other business.
i) volunteer for accessibility sub-committee for teaching and learning
r. maundrell stated that he was looking for a representative to sit on the accessibility sub-committee for teaching and learning. this would be for one year. this committee will be working on a new policy around essentials for accommodations. as of january 1, 2025, we will be receiving new requirements from the government, and it is best to prepare in advance. these changes may affect calendar change requests and cyclical reviews and may need to be added to course outlines. k. burnett volunteered to sit on the committee.
next faculty council meeting:
the next faculty council meeting will be on december 8, 2023, at 10:00 am via zoom.
the meeting was adjourned at 11:30 am.
thunder bay campus
k. burnett
a. carastathis
l. chambers
a. guttman
d. ivison
r. maundrell
b. vernier
i. lemée
l. potvin
c. sanders
s. shahsahabi
b. vernier
k. holmes
g. bonifacio
d. mackinnon
l. forbes
l. chambers
s. viitala - recording
orillia campus
a. den otter
l. fiddick
j. jarman
m. stevenson
p. das
s. olutola