faculty council meeting - october 13, 2023: deadline for agenda items: october 6 at 4:30 pm

friday, october 13, 2023 - 10:00am
via zoom

date:        october 7, 2023
to:            members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
subject:    faculty council meeting         
there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:
 friday, october 13, 2023 at 10:00 am via zoom.

zoom link:  https://lakeheadu.zoom.us/j/95713604704
meeting id:  957 1360 4704
1.    approval of agenda.
 2.    approval of the following minutes:   september 15, 2023

 3.    business arising from the minutes.
    i) type a and b courses.  information.

 4.    calendar changes.
i)  interdisciplinary studies
2023-soc-8365:  cross-list visu 2031 with mdst.

ii)  religious studies
2023-soc-8366:  course-modification-ug-religious studies-change to course description-dean of

iii)  sociology
2023-soc-8226-a:  modifications-ug-sociology programs-requiring more soci relevant course

iv)  additional dean:  faculty of science and environmental studies
2023-hbs-8354:  programs-modifications-gr-health sciences-adding special topics course

5.1    department/school requests.
5.2    department /school reports.
 6.    dean’s report.

 7.    other business.
 8.    next faculty council meeting:  friday, november 10, 2023, at 10:00 am via zoom.  
 9.    adjournment.  


faculty of social sciences and humanities council

friday, september 15th, 2023
a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, september 15, 2023, at 10:00 am via zoom.

introduction of new faculty members
department of indigenous learning
k. burnett introduced dr. juan sanchez martinez, associate professor, who joined the department on july 1, 2023.  she stated that everyone was thrilled to have him as a member of their department.

school of outdoor recreation, parks and tourism
l. potvin introduced dr. gail kuhl, assistant professor, who joined the school on august 1, 2023.  she is a graduate of their program with an honours bachelor of outdoor recreation, parks and tourism.  she also has a bsc. natural science, a m.ed. education and a phd. educational studies.  all her degrees are from lakehead.  for more information about dr. kuhl, please see her biography here.

approval of agenda
it was moved by j. jarman and seconded by a. guttman that the agenda be approved.
approval of minutes
approval of the minutes from may 5th, 2023.  (a. guttman and seconded by a. den otter)
the minutes were accepted as presented.

business arising from the minutes

calendar changes
i)  english:
it was moved by a. guttman and seconded by r. warburton that the following calendar change requests
be approved.
2022-soc-8151:  programs-major modifications-ug-english-expand hbabed.engl.is program to
orillia campus
2022-soc-8176:  programs-major modifications-ug-english-expand babed.engl.is program to orillia

it was moved by a. guttman and seconded by r. warburton that the following calendar change request
be approved.
2023-soc-8268:  programs-special modification-ug-english-development of hbabed.engl.wome.is

it was moved by a. guttman and seconded by r. warburton that the following calendar change request
be approved.
2023-soc-8269:  programs-special modification-ug-english-development of hbabed.phil.engl.is

it was moved by a. guttman and seconded by r. warburton that the following calendar change request
be approved.
2023-soc-8270:  programs-special modification-ug-english-development of hbascbed.engl.is

ii). history:
it was moved by m. stevenson and seconded by i. lemée that the following calendar change request
be approved.
2023-soc-8347:  courses-modifications and additions; ug-history

iii) indigenous learning
it was moved by k. burnett and seconded by a. den otter that the following calendar change requests
be approved.
2023-soc-8273:  program-modification-ug-indigenous learning-ba, hbas, minor and cert updates to
reflect indi-3501 deletion, replaced by indi-2012
2023-soc-8278:  program-modification-ug-indigenous learning-ba indi/ educ update to reflect indi-
3501 deletion, replaced by indi-2012

it was moved by k. burnett and seconded by d. ivison that the following calendar change requests be
2023-soc-8287:  program-major modification-ug-deletion of specialization in the hba indi program
2023-soc-8315:  program-modification-ug-indigenous learning-hba of sowk w/ concentration in
indi; updates to reflect indi-3501 deletion, replaced by indi-2012

iv)  interdisciplinary studies
it was moved by l. fiddick and seconded by a. den offer that the following calendar change requests be
2023-soc-8291:  courses-modifications-ug-interdisciplinary studies-name changes
2023-soc-8292:  programs-major modifications-ug-interdisciplinary studies-addition of philosophy to
human nature concentration
2023-soc-8293:  programs-modifications-ug-interdisciplinary studies-minor changes to concentrations
it was moved by m. stevenson and seconded by j. jarman that the following calendar change request be
2023-soc-8323:  crim 4011--cross-list with psyc 4010
it was moved by a. den otter and seconded by a. guttman that the following calendar change request be
2023-soc-8343:  minor in media, film and communications

it was moved by a. den otter and seconded by j. jarman that the following calendar change request be
2023-soc-8348:  changes to media, film and communications courses
it was moved by a. den otter and seconded by j. jarman that the following calendar change request be
2023-soc-8349:  changes to media, film and communications courses

p. das stepped in as chair of faculty council in order for a. carastathis to speak to his calendar
changes requests for music.

v)  music
it was moved by a. carastathis and seconded by c. sanders that the following calendar change requests
be approved.
2023-soc-8264:  course modification-ug-music 1350
2023-soc-8265:  minor in music course replacement
it was moved by a. carastathis and seconded by b. parker that the following calendar change request be
2023-soc-8267:  delete music 1300

a. carastathis took over as chair of faculty council for the remainder of the meeting.

vi)  outdoor recreation, parks, and tourism
it was moved by l. potvin and seconded by c. sanders that the following calendar change requests be
2023-soc-8229:  discontinued courses orpt
2023-soc-8230:  new courses orpt

it was moved by l. potvin and seconded by b. parker that the following calendar change request be
2023-soc-8231:  course changes orpt

vii)  sociology
it was moved by c. sanders and seconded by a. den otter that the following calendar change request be
2023-soc-8226-b: modifications-ug-sociology/education programs-requiring more soci relevant
course requirements

viii) visual arts
it was moved by s. shahsahabi and seconded by k. holmes that the following calendar change request
be approved.
2022-soc-8004:  hbfabed2.visu pj


it was moved by k. holmes and seconded by i. lemée that the following calendar change requests
be approved.
2023-soc-8295:  visual arts programs second year changes
2023-soc-8297:  second year changes - concurrent
2023-soc-8298:  new second year courses

it was moved by k. holmes and seconded by i. lemée that the following calendar change requests
be approved.
2023-soc-8299:  new course titles
2023-soc-8300:  discontinued courses
2023-soc-8301:  graphic design

ix)  additional dean:  faculty of science and environmental studies
it was moved by b. birmingham and seconded by c. sanders that the following calendar change request
be approved.
2022-sci-8109:   minor in sustainability

a. carastathis called for a vote on this calendar change request.  the results were:  one vote: no;
remaining votes:  yes.

department/school requests.
i)  english
it was moved by a. guttman and seconded by d. ivison, that dr. rhonda dubec be appointed as external adjunct to the department of english.  

ii). outdoor recreation, parks, and tourism
it was moved by c. sanders and seconded by a. guttman that dr. kelsey johansen be appointed as
external adjunct to the school of outdoor recreation, parks, and tourism.
department/school reports.
i)  english
a. guttman stated that the department of english will host a celebration for the recent book publication entitled “driftwood tones” written by terry-lynn johnson, an english alumnus.  the event will take place on friday, september 29, 2023 from 7:00 to 9:00 pm edt at howl at the moon located at 8 cumberland street south, thunder bay.  everyone is welcome!

ii)  music
a. carastathis stated that the lumina concert series has now been confirmed for the 2023/2024 season.  please visit the department of music's website more information about the series as well as other events.

iii)  visual arts
s. shahsahabi stated that the department of visual arts will be hosting the 1,000 miles apart ceramic conference this year.  the conference will take place from october 13 to 15, 2023, and will have several guest speakers. there will be an exhibition of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 ' works from 5 universities involved in the conference in the colab gallery on saturday, october 14th, 2023.
he also mentioned that there will be a fundraising event to glaze your own bowl on friday, oct 6th from 12 to 6 p.m. in our ceramic studio. it is a cash event and prices range from $5 to $30.
s. shahsahabi stated that there will be a free ontario culture days events for betty carpick's project, the land is dancing. sign up for the artist talk on thursday, september 28, 2023, at 6:00 pm at colab gallery. drop by for the outdoor projection on the west wall of the goods & co. market building from 6:00 pm - 11:00 pm from september 28 -30. sign up for the maker session at the thunder bay art gallery on sunday, october 1 from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm.
dean’s report.
september 15, 2023
g. bonifacio, our new dean, will be here starting her term on november 1, 2023.  we will be sure to give her a warm welcome.

enrollment is good at this point.  a huge thank you to all for your work over the summer months with your 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .  be sure to touch base with g. bonifacio about the upcoming winter courses.

other business:

next faculty council meeting:  october 14, 2023 at 10:00 am via zoom.  

the meeting was adjourned at 11:54 am.  

thunder bay campus
b. birmingham
k. burnett
a. carastathis
l. forbes
a. guttman
k. holmes
d. ivison
i. lemée
b. maiangwa
j. sanchez martinez
b. parker
l. potvin
c. sanders
s. shahsahabi
r warburton
s. viitala - recording

orillia campus
p. das
a. den otter
l. fiddick
j. jarman
m. stevenson

l. chambers
r. martin
r. maundrell
b. vernier