faculty council meeting - january 10, 2025: dealine for agenda items: friday, january 3, 2025

friday, january 10, 2025 - 10:00am
via zoom


date:         january 3, 2025
to:             members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
subject:     faculty council meeting        
there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:
friday, january 10, 2025 at 10:00 am via zoom


introduction of new faculty

professor elsa piersig
assistant professor - department of political science (tenure track)


zoom link:     https://lakeheadu.zoom.us/j/96729203056
meeting id:    967 2920 3056

 1.    approval of agenda.
 2.    approval of the following minutes:   december 6, 2024

 3.    business arising from the minutes.
 4.    calendar change requests.

    i)  psychology (additional deans – ss&h/ses
    2024-soc-8755:  course modification - ug - psychology - splitting psyc 1100

    ii)  interdisciplinary studies
    2024-soc-8759:  course-modifications-ug-change year level and cross-list with music 2310
    2024-soc-8767:  courses-modifications-ug-media, film, and communications-change title to website design
    2024-soc-8768:  courses-new course-ug-media, film, and communications

    iii)  music
    2024-soc-8765:  new musi course crossed with mdst
5.1    department/school requests for guest speakers and presentations.
5.2    department /school reports and announcements.
 6.    dean's report [written]
       january 10, 2025

happy 2025! welcome to another year of challenges, opportunities, and possibilities. our faculty remains steadfast in meeting these challenges and we have shown that working together brings us closer to our goals. we have excellent researchers and scholars who continue to inspire our 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and impact our communities. but we are mindful that well-being is vital to our work and 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 ’ success. it is fitting that health and wellness was the first presentation at the provost council on january 8. see accompanying documents.

welcome dr. elsa piersig, department of political science.

congratulations to the following:
dr. sarah olutola, for tenure and promotion to associate professor
dr. davut akca, dr. keira loukes, and dr. debra mackinnon, for renewal.

action items:
1.     dean’s mcu textbook report to ipa is due on january 15. department chairs are required to submit a summary compliance report to the dean’s office, using this format: “department x has x faculty and instructors and % has complied with the mcu directive.”

2.     budget 2025-26 input from department chairs on total fces. dean to consult with assistant deans and department chairs for the budget presentation on february 5. aim for more realistic targets.

3.     curriculum sustainability framework follow-up with separate regular meetings with department chairs.

4.     planned institutional strength to establish gr-phd social justice in thunder bay was not realised by end of sma3 (2024). the proposed phd in global studies received numerous feedback and positive support from two consultation sessions. work will continue to move this proposal forward in collaboration with the fgs and other units.

5.     initiate a faculty strategic plan following the themes outlined by the university strategic planning process and integrate other program directives and reviews.
thank you!

    i)  student health and wellness resources: 
        shw health promotion strategy - 2024 update
        slides - health promotion strategy presentation
        information and resources for faculty and staff (shw webpage)
        wellu mental health champions (shw webpage)

     ii) research certification submissions report, oct 1-dec 31, 2024
      this report can be accessed using this link.
 7.    assistant deans’ report.
     i)  dr. jennifer jarman - orillia campus
    ii)  dr. tony puddephatt - thunder bay campus

 8.    other business.
 9.    next faculty council meeting:  friday, february 7, 2025 at 10:00 am via zoom
guest speaker:  dylan mazur:  director, human rights and equity - ontario legislation on disability taking effect in 2025.  documents will be distributed before the council meeting.

10.    adjournment.   


faculty of social sciences and humanities council


 friday, december 6, 2024
 a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, december 6, 2024, at 10:00 am via zoom.  
c. sanders chaired the meeting in d. hayes’ absence.

brenda huska
knowledge mobilization specialist at epid@work research institute.
knowledge mobilization specialist
epid@work research institute

the northwestern ontario workplace & worker health study, which 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 has agreed to participate in, is hoping to encourage faculty participation in this study.  b.huska gave a brief overview of the epic@work research institute, and their mandate.  she shared a brief show which outline of what they do, and how those interested can become involved by taking the online survey.  more information can be found in the presentation which can be accessed here:  https://www.workinghealth.ca/ .

approval of agenda
 it was moved by and seconded by i. lemée and a. guttman that the agenda be approved.
approval of minutes
approval of the minutes from november 15, 2024.  (a. guttman; i. lemée)
the minutes were accepted as presented.
business arising from the minutes
s. viitala stated that mr. dylan mahzur, director, human rights and equity, would be attending our faculty council meeting on friday, february 7, 2025, to discuss the roles of faculty/instructors with respect to the ontario legislation on disability that will take effect in 2025.  documents will be sent out in advance so everyone can review them before the meeting.

calendar change requests

department/school requests.

department/school reports.
i). english:
a. guttman stated that there will be an upcoming presentation which will be held on january 16,
2025 at 10:00 am.  more information will follow.

dean’s report.
friday, december 6, 2024.
j. jarman

the institutional analysis and planning office is finalizing the planning for sma4 in the coming months.  additional information to that given by dean bonifacio was provided to this office upon request.

all hiring requests submitted to date to the dean’s office have been submitted to the provost for review.

assistant deans’ report
i)  dr. jennifer jarman – orillia campus
faculty research award:  research and innovation vp, andy dean, has committed $10,000 per year for two years for a faculty research award.  while it was hoped we would be able to make two awards, this is only sufficient money for one award.  we will set up an awards committee and description of the award shortly.

ii). dr. tony puddephatt – thunder bay campus
dr. puddephatt thanked everyone for submitting their curriculum sustainability reports.  he stated that he would be working on this coming weekend.  c. sanders thanked him for his work as acting dean for the month of november.

other business.

next faculty council meeting:  
the next faculty council meeting with be held in friday, january 10, 2025, at 10:00 am via zoom.

the meeting was adjourned at 10:55 am. (c. sanders)


thunder bay campus
k. burnett
l. chambers
j. chisholm
e. chugunov
a. guttman
d. hannah
d. hayes
s. jacoba
s. jobbitt
i. lemée
b. maiangwa
t. puddephatt
c. sanders
b. vernier
r. warburton

s. viitala - recording

orillia campus
a. den otter
j. jarman
d. krupp
m. stevenson
s. olutola
r. mcveigh

b. birmingham
l. forbes
d. hayes
s. jacoba

faculty council meeting - friday, december 6, 2024: deadline for agenda items: november 29/2024

friday, december 6, 2024 - 10:00am
via zoom


date:        november 30, 2024
to:            members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
subject:     faculty council meeting         
there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:
 friday, december 6,, 2024 at 10:00 am via zoom.



knowledge mobilization specialist at epid@work research institute.
ryley moorhead
knowledge mobilization specialist
epid@work research institute

the northwestern ontario workplace & worker health study, which 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 has agreed to participate in, is hoping to encourage faculty participation in this study.
zoom link:     https://lakeheadu.zoom.us/j/99402627300
meeting id:   meeting id: 994 0262 7300

 1.    approval of agenda.
 2.    approval of the following minutes:   november 15, 2024

 3.    business arising from the minutes.
 4.    calendar change requests.
5.1    department/school requests for guest speakers and presentations.
5.2    department /school reports and announcements.
 6.    dean’s report.

 7.    assistant deans’ report.
     i)  dr. jennifer jarman - orillia campus
    ii)  dr. tony puddephatt - thunder bay campus

 8.    other business.
 9.    next faculty council meeting:  friday, january 10, 2025 at 10:00 am via zoom

10.    adjournment.  


faculty of social sciences and humanities council


 friday, november 15, 2024
 a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, november 15, 2024, at 10:00 am via zoom.

approval of agenda
it was moved by and seconded by a. guttman and l. chambers that the agenda be approved.
approval of minutes
approval of the minutes from october 11, 2024.  (a. guttman; i. lemée)
the minutes were accepted as presented.
business arising from the minutes

calendar change requests

i) english
it was moved by a. guttman and seconded by k. burnett that the following calendar change request for english be approved.
2024-s0c-8705:  course deletion engl 4113

it was moved by k. burnett and seconded by d. mackinnon that the following calendar change request for english be approved.
2024-s0c-8709:  new course engl 3022 (cross listed with indi 3012)

ii)  gender and women’s studies
it was moved by l. chambers and seconded by k. burnett that the following calendar change requests for gender and women’s studies be approved.
2024-soc-7385:  course cross-list ug department of gender and women's studies (fren-3603)
2024-soc-8696:  course-new-ug-gender and women’s studies-3rd year methods course
2024-soc-8698:  course-discontinuing-ug-gender and women’s studies-wome 3133, 3310 & 4113

this calendar change request was relegated back to user for revisions,
2024-soc-8700:  course-modification-ug-gender and women’s studies-title change for wome 2711,
3355, 3356 & 4214

iii) interdisciplinary studies
it was moved by a. den otter and seconded by d. krupp that the following calendar change requests for interdisciplinary studies be approved.
2024-s0c-8704:  courses-modifications-ug-crim-changes to crim 3355 title
2024-s0c-8708:  discontinuation of mdst 3133/ wome 3133

iv)  languages
it was moved by s. jacoba and seconded by lemée, that the following calendar change request for languages be approved.
2024-s0c-8733:  elementary oral french

v)  social justice studies program
2024-soc-8702:  course-discontinuing- gr-social justice studies-socj 5113/ wome 4113
it was moved by k. burnett and seconded by d. mackinnon that the following calendar change request for the social justice studies program be approved.

this calendar change request for the social justice studies program was relegated back to the user for
2024-soc-8703:  course-modification-gr-social justice studies-socj 5214/ wome 4214

vi)  sociology
it was moved by i. lemée and seconded by e. chugunov that the following calendar change request for sociology be approved.

department/school requests.

department/school reports.

dean’s report.
november 15, 2024

assistant deans’ report
i). dr. jennifer jarman – orillia campus
glenda.   our dean visited orillia and we had many topics and meetings planned. unfortunately, she became sick almost immediately, spent a day in her hotel in bed, then went to emergency at orillia’s soldier’s hospital where she spent the remainder of her stay.  she has since been transferred to thunder bay and is at home on sick leave till january.  for the assistant deans, this has had several consequences: 1. none of the planned meetings in orillia occurred, particularly not with vp external mike den haan, which was a meeting to discuss fund-raising, particularly for research chairs.  other important planning meetings with respect to various orillia matters also did not occur.  2. both tony and i have now had a month-long stint as acting dean added to our workloads, which we are happily willing to do, but it is rather startling.

sma4 planning.  heather morrison (institutional planning) had asked the deans for a second round of submissions re: sma4 planning since she was not happy with the inputs that were given by deans in the first round.  with one day to produce this, i went through the faculty website looking at curriculum changes for the past few years and i tried to make as many positive statements as i could about departments.  the main focus asked for was to try to identify places where there was the potential for 2% growth, as that is what is needed to keep pace with inflation.  tony then added his thoughts and we sent that in, but haven’t heard anything more about it.  maybe if tony went to the dean’s council this week he can update us in his report and let us know if more sma4 input will be needed, so we can prepare a little more thoroughly in future.

aacrao conference. american association of collegiate registrars and admissions officers.  i attended a 4 day conference in boston as the orillia rep, along with a team of 8 people (7 of whom were from thunder bay).  it was a new type of conference for me, but i found it had a mixture of college and university administrators and deans involved with the management of student admissions, campus development.  i went to a number of sessions about trends in enrolment, and strategies of all types – i particularly focused on those about retention.

the timing of this conference was that we were there on american election day. there were 1,000 delegates, the vast majority of whom would have been democrat voters and i can report how gutted many delegates were by the results.  some, particularly from the southern states, had spoken about deputations by state legislators to find out how much funding universities were giving to edi initiatives so as to cut university budgets by that amount, fears of deportation of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , the plan to cut the federal dept of education completely, and trump’s plan to tax existing university endowments and build an “american academy” were all under discussion.   

my own takeaways from this conference:  1.  austerity backdrop:  世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 shifting to “just enough, just-in-time” - meaning that 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 are opting for shorter and shorter programs and credentials – and dropping out when they get the job they were looking for – this has implications for “experiential learning” and the timing of “internships” if educational institutions are to see people complete their degrees.  2.  splintering of the student market into several types: 1. 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 who want a full-on in-person campus experience; 2. 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 holding multiple jobs (right up the college-university spectrum and even including the ivy league institutions including harvard) who cannot afford “2022卡塔尔世界杯赛程表时间 ” and have a clear focus on just the coursework – they need barriers dropped, non-traditional scheduling, and more online programming; 3. adult learners without high school degrees and proliferation of programs aimed at simultaneous programs that involve high school/college/university accreditation.
finally, i was struck by the extremely detailed, data-driven presentations about the student experience from application to alumni.

fall open house orillia:  on saturday we welcomed 413 guests onto campus, an increase of 33% from last year. of those that attended 160 were future 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 (yoy increase of 28%!).   good buzz and those faculty that represented their disciplines seemed happy with their experience given that we weren’t just sitting around, as has happened in the past, but busy talking with interested and mostly enthusiastic 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and parents.   more interest in history than i’ve ever seen before, but also strong interest in english, criminology, and media, film, and communication studies.  many uncertain 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and parents got enthusiastic about interdisciplinary studies, although the program, with its 16 disciplines usually has to be explained to them before they realize what a great option it is.   the importance of being a local option for those who want career options without leaving their homes was mentioned many times especially by parents in this cash-strapped time.

awards.  the research chair awards are on hold until it is clear that we have the $16,000 a year needed to support them.  i have had email exchanges with andy dean to try to clarify glenda’s plans, but he is only supplying $5,000 for one year, which is not enough for even one release.  hopefully, i will have more positive information for the december meeting.  in the meantime, i suggest people concentrate on getting research theme areas for crc chairs in to andy.

ii)  dr. tony puddephatt – thunder bay campus
dr. puddephatt thanked people for their feedback on the 4 year hba general degree, he is working on changes and will try to return it for next meeting. he also thanked people for participating in the global studies graduate program consultation -- our faculty consultation was useful, the wider university consultation is pushed back into the new year, for when dean glenda bonifacio returns. dr. puddephatt explained that dr. bonifacio is away on medical leave, with dr. puddephatt serving as acting dean for the month of november, with dr. jarman taking over as acting dean in december. dr. puddephatt thanked susan viitala and jennifer jarman for their support during this time. updates about this situation will be shared as soon as more information becomes available.

other business.

next faculty council meeting:  
the next faculty council meeting with be held in thursday, december 5, 2024 at 10:00 am via zoom.

the meeting was adjourned at 11:25 pm.  (a, den otter)


thunder bay campus
k. burnett
l. chambers
j. chisholm
e. chugunov
a. guttman
d. hannah
d. hayes
s. jacoba
s. jobbitt
i. lemée
b. maiangwa
t. puddephatt
c. sanders
b. vernier
r. warburton

s. viitala - recording

orillia campus
d. akca
p. das
a. den otter
j. jarman
s. jeppesen
d. krupp
d. mackinnon

b. birmingham
l. forbes
d. hannah
b. parker
s. shahsahabi

faculty council meeting - november 15, 2024: deadline for agenda items: friday, november 8/2024

friday, november 15, 2024 - 10:00am
via zoom


date:        november 15, 2024
to:            members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities
subject:    faculty council meeting         
there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:
 friday, november 15, 2024 at 10:00 am via zoom.

zoom link:  https://lakeheadu.zoom.us/j/97275944585
meeting id:   meeting id: 972 7594 4585

 1.    approval of agenda.
 2.    approval of the following minutes:   october 11, 2024

 3.    business arising from the minutes.
 4.    calendar change requests.
    i) english
    2024-s0c-8705:  course deletion engl 4113
    2024-s0c-8709:  new course engl 3022 (cross listed with indi 3012)

    ii)  gender and women’s studies
    2024-soc-7385:  course cross-list ug department of gender and women's studies (fren-3603)
    2024-soc-8696:  course-new-ug-gender and women’s studies-3rd year methods course
    2024-soc-8698:  course-discontinuing-ug-gender and women’s studies-wome 3133, 3310 & 4113
    2024-soc-8700:  course-modification-ug-gender and women’s studies-title change for wome 2711, 3355, 3356 & 4214
    iii)  interdisciplinary studies
    2024-s0c-8704:  courses-modifications-ug-crim-changes to crim 3355 title
    2024-s0c-8708:  discontinuation of mdst 3133/ wome 3133

     iv) languages
    2024-soc-8733:  elementary oral french 1020
    v)  social justice studies program
    2024-soc-8702:  course-discontinuing- gr-social justice studies-socj 5113/ wome 4113
    2024-soc-8703:  course-modification-gr-social justice studies-socj 5214/ wome 4214

    vi)  sociology
    2024-s0c-8707:  add a new half course
5.1    department/school requests for guest speakers and presentations.
         d. hayes has reached out to mr. dylan mazur, director, human rights and equity, to invite him to one of our faculty council      meeting in the new year.  s. viitala will contact him to confirm a date.   
5.2    department /school reports and announcements.
 6.    dean’s report.

 7.    assistant deans’ report.
     i) dr. jennifer jarman - orillia campus
    ii) dr. tony puddephatt - thunder bay campus

 8.    other business.
 9.    next faculty council meeting:  december 5, 2024 at 10:00 am via zoom

10.    adjournment.  


faculty of social sciences and humanities council

friday, october 11, 2024
a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, october 11, 2024, at 10:00 am via zoom.

ba + bsc (gen) / multi-session bed regional strategy

dr. meridith lovell-johnston
chair of graduate studies and research
acting chair of undergraduate education program
faculty of education, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 – orillia

m. lovett-johnston gave a summary/outline of how the proposed ba/bsc (general) and how it would work.
the intention with this strategy is to outline how 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 can respond to the needs of the region for qualified teachers across elementary and secondary divisions. in developing this strategy, we understand that it will take two to three years to fully eventuate and requires many moving parts to come together.
(please see attached document for further information.)

approval of agenda
 it was moved by and seconded by l. chambers and b. vernier that the agenda be approved.

approval of minutes
approval of the minutes from september 13, 2024.  (j. jarman and a. den otter)
the minutes were accepted as presented.

business arising from the minutes
i) venue for ph.d. consultation
be sure to rsvp.

calendar change requests
i) social sciences & humanities
2024-soc-8637:  hba general program
a lengthy discussion was held regarding the pros and cons of the proposed hba general program.
t. puddephatt requested that a vote be held in support of calendar change request 2024-soc-8637.  a
vote was held’; however, the request was not passed.

ii) english
it was moved by r. warburton and seconded by a. guttman that the following calendar change request for english be approved.
2024-soc-8663:  cross listed engl course

iii)  gender and women’s studies
it was moved by l. chambers and seconded by r. warburton that the following calendar change request for gender and women’s studies be approved.
2024-soc-8585:  course-new and discontinuing-ug-gender and women’s studies-wome 4012 and
wome 4010 special topic with socj

iv). indigenous learning
it was moved by a. den otter and seconded by r. warburton that the following calendar change request for indigenous learning be approved.
2024-soc-8472:  course-new-ug-indigenous learning-7 courses.

v)  languages
it was moved by s. jacoba and seconded by a. den otter that the following calendar change request be approved.
2024-soc-8521:  new course-ug-french 2013.

the following calendar change requests were relegated back to languages for further revision.
2024-soc-8650:  program changes - ug - languages
2024-soc-8671:  french 4012 la grammaire est une chanson douce

the following calendar change request required further revisions.
2024-soc-8544:  asian studies minor program

vi) outdoor recreation, parks, and tourism
it was moved by l. potvin and seconded by r. warburton that the following calendar change request for outdoor recreation be approved.
2024-soc-8649:  regulation modification - ug - orpt

vii)  social justice studies program
it was moved a. den otter and d. mackinnon that the following calendar change requests for the social justice program be approved.
2024-soc-8562:  course-new-gr-sjs-5012,5013,5015.
2024-soc-8603:  justice studies-socj 5017 and socj 5010

viii). additional dean
it was moved by j. jarman and seconded by r. warburton that the following calendar change request be approved.
2024-hbs-8483:  program_modification_ug_socialwork_replacing discontinued course

department/school requests.

department/school reports.

i). gender and women’s studies
l. chambers announced that their department will be hosting a “lunch & learn” on october 31, 2024, from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm via zoom.  the topic is entitled “who’s afraid of childfree cat ladies:  exploring experiences of stigma and self-stigma in childfree women.”  all are welcome.

ii). outdoor recreation
l. potvin announced that there will be a hide tanning workshop session to be held at the paci auditorium starting at 7:00 pm on friday, october 18, 2024.  the lead instructors will be jean marshall and shelby gagnon.  for further information, please contact l. potvin.

iii) visual arts
s. shahsahabi announced that department of visual arts will be hosting professor bonnie devine as part of their visiting arts lecture series 2024.  her talk will be in person open to the public on friday, oct 11th at 2 p.m. in mv2004. "bonnie devine will discuss her recent exhibition land in war currently at the tom thomson gallery in owen sound.
the eight large landscape paintings included in land in war examine the various ways that land and its possession and control are at the heart of war.
the main intent of the exhibition is to center the land as a site and object of conflict and colonial desire and especially to convey the harm the land has suffered and the resilience and beauty it epitomizes.
in an era of increasing global conflict, this project, land in war, allows devine to think about colonialism’s penchant for violent conflict and the devastation it repeatedly wreaks on human and non-human beings alike. it also expresses our collective passion for the history and beauty of this land, our home."

s. shahsahabi stated that the music and visual arts building had been vandalized during august
efforts to clean up the building started right away once security had contacted faculty members.
a discussion followed with mentioning security on campus; length of response time to clean things up for
start of classes; and response time with regard to work orders.

dean’s report.
october 11, 2024
a. 2022 employment experience survey
•action items
community public talks/public professor series has 2 volunteer speakers for winter and spring.
winter fest will have simultaneous events at thunder bay and orillia campuses. the orillia session will be coordinated by the assistant dean, dr. jarman.

faculty strategic plan in spring 2025 to integrate the curriculum sustainability framework and iqap.

b. sma 4 enrolment planning
ipa sent a high-level exercise on wednesday, which was due friday of the week, but the dean opted to consult with the assistant deans, department chairs, and sjs coordinator to determine projections for the next 5 years.

c. retention
•student experience
世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 are crucial to the growth of the faculty. while enrolment is within the purview of certain units, faculty has a big role to play in the retention of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in the programs and courses. thunder bay has a low population growth or less than four times the ontario average, according to the new city manager, john collin, in september 2024.

•student representation
the constitution of the faculty council includes a student representative appointed by lusu.  different departments are encouraged to have a student representative to be inclusive.

d. sshrc tier 2 crc (1/12027)
                      based on the recent announcement for the vp research office, the faculty should take the opportunity to develop a crc proposal, perhaps based at the orillia campus. this will enhance the research culture tied to new graduate programming at the orillia campus. proposals welcome.

e. proposed creative resilience and global studies (creglos) centre
                     a group of faculty members came together to develop a proposal for cfi to improve the infrastructure at the mva building. this has led to the idea of creating a research centre around creative resilience and global studies with different themes to encourage cross-faculty collaboration. open to all.

f. ssh and city of thunder bay
                     one of the mandates of the university is to be relevant to the communities we serve. ssh has a role to play in extending expertise and building formal arrangements for student experiential learning such as internships and coop placements.  the dean has connected with the city manager by email.

g. int’l conference gender-based violence, reva university/lu (dec 5-6)
 lu has an mou with reva university in india. the former dean, dr. elizabeth birmingham, visited reva university some time ago,  and together with dr. mirella stroink and glenda bonifacio, they comprise the academic counterpart of the international conference. participants from lu will not pay any fees. encourage graduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and faculty members interested in the topic to submit abstracts. details of the conference were circulated to department chairs and graduate coordinators.

assistant deans’ report

i). dr. jennifer jarman – orillia campus
lakehead-georgian pathways.   you may have seen that there has been a change in direction in relation to pathway programs between georgian and lakehead.  this is due to a change in government priorities, which now centre around the development of “student-centred pathways”.  the existing combined programs – mostly stem – took  in  their last cohorts this year and there will be no more intakes.  it is expected that this will lose lakehead some science 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .  lakehead and georgian are still very willing to work together, however, but the emphasis will reflect the provincial government’s priorities of developing new pathways.  there are 30 existing pathway programs, of which a few are social science and humanities programs.  several georgian programs lead into lakehead’s criminology program, a  graphic design program leads into lakehead’s media, film, and communications program.  

i’ve become a member of the georgian college liberal studies, general arts, and science program advisory committee and will report more in the future.

also, seneca college has reached out to lakehead about a new pathway, which i will report on in the future.

research chairs:  meetings have been scheduled with vp external, mike den haan, dean glenda, and to discuss fund-raising in relation to sponsored chairs.

awards committee for faculty research chairs   - proposal
the faculty research chair – awards committee
the award will consist of a .5 hce teaching release for two years

1 distinguished chair for professor-level for both campus and 1 research chair for associate/assistant professor-level for both campuses

proposed awards committee composition:  5 members, including chair
2 humanities
2 social sciences
no more than two people from the same discipline
at least two representatives per campus.  the entire committee to be involved in the determination of awards.

timeline:  applications due: april 12, 2025
decisions: may 3, 2025

hybrid technology:  i have asked vice president, administration, chris glover to initiate a review of the adequacy of the new hybrid teaching technology given the number of complaints we are hearing about the quality of the solution and student outcomes.  this might be an issue that we can raise as a faculty-wide concern in the curriculum feasibility study.

ii). dr. tony puddephatt – thunder bay campus
tony puddephatt presented the initial draft of the global studies program and welcomes feedback, inviting interested parties to join oct 23 to continue discussion."

other business.
change of date for december 6, 2024, faculty council meeting.
d. hayes stated we would like to move our council meeting scheduled for friday, december 6, 2024 to thursday, december 5, 2025 at 10:00 am via zoom.  d. hayes stated that friday was fall preview day for the thunder bay campus, running from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm., and that moving the meeting would allow for participation at that event.  it was decided to move the meeting to thursday.

next faculty council meeting:  
the next faculty council meeting with be held on november 15, 2024, via zoom.
the meeting was adjourned at 12:03 pm.  (a. guttman; a. den otter)

thunder bay campus

g. bonifacio
l. chambers
a. guttman
d. hannah
d. hayes
s. jacoba
b. maiangwa
l. potvin
t. puddephatt
j. sanchez martinez
c. sanders
s. shahsahabi
b. vernier
r. warburton
s. viitala - recording

orillia campus
p. das
l. fiddick
j. jarman
s. jeppesen
a. den otter
r. mcveigh
d. krupp
m. stevenson

b. birmingham
e. chugunov

faculty council meeting - october 11, 2024 - deadline for agenda items - friday, october 4, 2024

friday, october 11, 2024 - 10:00am
via zoom


date:        october 11, 2024

to:            members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities

subject:    faculty council meeting         
there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:

friday, october 11, 2024 at 10:00 am via zoom.



dr. meridith lovell-johnston - acting chair undergrad/chair grad studies research
faculty of education – orillia campus

regional strategy:  access for teachers to the ba and bsc programs

zoom link:  https://lakeheadu.zoom.us/j/95192385757
meeting id:   951 9238 5757

 1.    approval of agenda.
 2.    approval of the following minutes:   september 13, 2024

 3.    business arising from the minutes.
 4.    calendar change requests.

    i) social sciences & humanities
    2024-soc-8637:  hba general program

   ii)  english
     2024-soc-8663:  cross listed engl course  

   iii)  gender and women’s studies
    2024-soc-8585:  course-new and discontinuing-ug-gender and women’s studies-wome 4012 and wome 4010 special topic with socj

    iv) indigenous learning
    2024-soc-8472:  course-new-ug-indigenous learning-7 courses.

    v) languages
    2024-soc-8650:  program changes - ug - languages
    2024-soc-8521:  new course-ug-french 2013
   2024-soc-8671:  french 4012 la grammaire est une chanson douce

   2024-soc-8544: program-new-ug-languages-new-asian studies minor program

vi)  outdoor recreation, parks and tourism
    2024-soc-8649:  regulation modification - ug - orpt

    vii)  social justice studies program
    2024-soc-8562:  course-new-gr-sjs-5012,5013,5015.
    2024-soc-8603:  course-new and discontinuing-gr-social justice studies-socj 5017 and socj 5010

    viii)  additional dean
    2024-hbs-8483:  program_modification_ug_socialwork_replacing discontinued course

5.1    department/school requests for guest speakers and presentations.
5.2    department /school reports and announcements.
         i) visual
 6.    dean’s report.

 7.    assistant deans’ report.
     i) dr. jennifer jarman - orillia campus
    ii) dr. tony puddephatt - thunder bay campus

        (global studies document)

8.    other business.
change of date:  december 2024 faculty council meeting
the december faculty council meeting is currently scheduled for friday, december 6, 2024.  that day is also the fall recruitment day beginning at 8:00 am and finishing up at 2:00 pm.  it has been suggested that the council meeting be moved to thursday, december 5, 2024 at 10:00 am.

 9.    next faculty council meeting:  november 15, 2024 at 10:00 am via zoom
10.    adjournment.  


faculty of social sciences and humanities council
 friday, september 13, 2024
a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, september 13, 2024, at 10:00 am via zoom.
introduction to new faculty:
mr. cliff caines – lecturer, department of interdisciplinary studies (lta - orillia campus
(media, film and communications)
a. den otter introduced mr. cliff caines as the newest member of the department of interdisciplinary studies in the area of media, film and communications.  he has won many awards for his work , including his own films, and the department is delighted to have him.
dr. kathryn walton – assistant professor - department of english (lta) - orillia campus 
a. guttman intruded dr. katheryn walton as the latest member of the department of english, orillia campus.
kathryn walton holds a phd in english literature form york university. her research focuses on medieval literature, popular culture, and children's literature. her article “rewriting a demon: merlin’s characterization in three versions of of arthour and of merlin,” published in arthuriana in 2022, won the james randall leader award for the best article of the year published in the field of arthurian studies. she is currently completing her first monograph on literary magic in medieval england. kathryn also writes a regular column on fairy tales, myths, and legends for the magazine medieval world: culture and conflict. she teaches in the department of english at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 in orillia and has been awarded two teaching awards.
approval of agenda
it was moved by and seconded by a. den otter and a. guttman that the agenda be approved.
approval of minutes
approval of the minutes from may 10, 2024.  (a. guttman; e. chugunov)
the minutes were accepted as presented.
business arising from the minutes
calendar change requests
i) english
it was moved by a. guttman and seconded by r. warburton that the following calendar change request for english be approved.
2024-soc-8457:  programs-major modification-gr-engl-expanding ma programs to orillia campus.
ii). indigenous learning
this calendar change request was tabled for the next faculty council for in order to make revisions.
2024-soc-8472:  course-new-ug-indigenous learning-7 courses.
iii) interdisciplinary studies
it was moved by j. jarman and a. den otter that the following calendar change request for interdisciplinary studies be approved with a friendly amendment.
2024-soc-8490:  program-ug-interdisciplinary studies-new program name and addition of courses.
it was moved by a. den otter and seconded by j. jarman that the following calendar change request be approved. (friendly amendment)
2024-soc-8527:  addition of i/s to bascbed interdisciplinary studies program
it was moved by a. den otter and seconded by j. jarman that the following calendar change request be approved.
2024-soc-8529:  addition of intermediate / senior education option to hbasc interdisciplinary studies programs.
iii)  languages
it was moved by s. jacoba and seconded by a. den otter that the following calendar change request be approved.
2024-soc-8521:  new course-ug-french 2013.
v) outdoor recreation, parks, and tourism
it was moved by l. potvin and seconded by k. burnett that the following calendar change request for outdoor recreation be approved.
2024-soc-8528:  course name change orpt
vi)  social justice studies program
it was moved d. mackinnon and d. akca that the following calendar change request for the social justice program be approved.
2024-soc-8525:  program-modification-gr-social justice studies-4 socj programs & orillia  check to remove
department/school requests.
department/school reports.
i)  history
the recommendation for the appointment of dr. nathan hatton as external adjunct professor in the
department of history for a four-year term was approved.
dean’s report.
september 13, 2024
welcome message:
greeted everyone back to the new fall term
new chairs:  s. jobbitt and s. jacoba
new graduate coordinators
new administrative assistant:  katherine cross
criminology coordinator:  d, krupp
intd coordinator:  r. mcveigh
ee 2022 survey
good results overall; some areas need improvement
find out what we can do moving forward
cur. sustainability review
different approaches; no one size fits all
looking for shared ideas
gas invigilation
july 19/2024:  the number of allocated hours shared with chairs and graduate coordinators.
crim has the most accommodated hours in ss&h
ssh- research chairs
form an awards committee
details: creating two new research chairs for our faculty; course release or research allowance
possibility of fullbright scholar
cfi –proposed project/centre
creative project which would be interdisciplinary as well as global interest
common themes such as disaster
ouf ‘sponsored guests
ss&h sent 4 representatives to ouf:  c. sanders; l. potvin; r. macveigh; a. den otter
facilitate recruitment; voucher at bookstore; request for swag
international recruitment event:  1294 balmoral:   mfac/sjs program; ba gen.
mcu course texts report
ontario government requiring universities report the cost of textbooks that 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 will have to pay to be included in course outlines.
assistant deans’ report
i). dr. jennifer jarman – orillia campus
started this position on july 1, 2024 for a three year period.  ‘
busy with enrollment projects and is making progress but it will be slow.
orillia:  classroom technology has been updated in most small classrooms.  the large classrooms have not been updated yet.
the use of the telepresence room will continue as usual with no long term plan in place. 
video conferencing has improved; however, more upgrading is needed.
tableau:  both assistant deans have now been trained on tableau.  the data will be updated in november.
enrollment:  the cohorts are strong with orillia at 68 new 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and thunder bay at 66 new 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .
we are still below by 62 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .  there is a need to lobby for resources.  full time enrollment is up, part time and international enrollment is down.
ii). dr. tony puddephatt – thunder bay campus
i)  overseeing the ba general
ii)  currently working on the hba which was initiated by b. birmingham and j. roth
iii) ideas for a graduate program in global studies.
            - will create a document with ideas for global studies for next faculty meeting.
iv) hba has received a lot of feedback; more 0.5 fces needed; take fourth year as professional training.
            - will work with e. stafford re: cost of new program
other business.
next faculty council meeting: 
the next faculty council meeting will be held on october 11, 2024 via zoom.
the meeting was adjourned at 11:51 am.  (k. burnett; d. mackinnon)
thunder bay campus
g. bonifacio
k. brooks
k. burnett
a. carastathis
l. chambers
e. chugunov
a. guttman
d. hayes
d. ivison
c. sanders
s. shahsahabi
r. warburton
s. viitala - recording
orillia campus
p. das
a. den otter
v. hébert
r. mcveigh
d. mackinnon
m. stevenson
i. lemée
l. potvin

faculty council meeting - september 13 2024 - confirmed

friday, september 13, 2024 - 10:00am
via zoom


date:        september 13, 2024

to:    members, council of the faculty of social sciences and humanities

subject:     faculty council meeting         

there will be a meeting of the faculty of social sciences and humanities faculty council on:
friday, september 13, 2024 at 10:00 am via zoom.


introduction of new faculty

mr. cliff caines

lecturer - department of interdisciplinary studies (lta) - orillia campus (media, film and communications)

dr. kathryn walton
assistant professor - department of english (lta) - orillia campus
zoom link:   https://lakeheadu.zoom.us/j/91375074764
meeting id:   913 7507 4764

 1.    approval of agenda.
 2.    approval of the following minutes:   may 10, 2024

 3.    business arising from the minutes.
 4.    calendar change requests.

    i) english
    2024-soc-8457:  programs-major modification-gr-engl-expanding ma programs to orillia campus.

    ii). indigenous learning
    2024-soc-8472:  course-new-ug-indigenous learning-7 courses.

    iii) interdisciplinary studies
    2024-soc-8490:  program-ug-interdisciplinary studies-new program name and addition of courses.
    2024-soc-8527:  addition of i/s to bascbed interdisciplinary studies program
    2024-soc-8529:  addition of intermediate / senior education option to hbasc interdisciplinary studies programs.

    iii)  languages
    2024-soc-8521:  new course-ug-french 2013.

    v) outdoor recreation, parks, and tourism
    2024-soc-8528:  course name change orpt

    vi)  social justice studies program
    2024-soc-8525:  program-modification-gr-social justice studies-4 socj programs & orillia

5.1    department/school requests for guest speakers and presentations.
5.2    department /school reports and announcements.
    i)  history
    recommendation for the appointment of dr. nathan hatton as external adjunct professor in the department of history for a four-year term.  (recommendation memo from dr. stevenson; cv for dr. hatton; please contact s. viitala if you wish to view dr. hatton’s cv.)

 6.    dean’s report.
 7.    assistant deans’ report.
    i) dr. jennifer jarman - orillia campus
   ii) dr. tony puddephatt - thunder bay campus

 8.    other business.
 9.    next faculty council meeting:  october 11, 2024 at 10:00 am via zoom
10.    adjournment.  


faculty of social sciences and humanities council

friday, may 10, 2024
a meeting of the faculty council was held on friday, may 10, 2024, at 10:00 am via zoom.
guest speakers:
dr. gillian siddall – president and vice-chancellor
dr. david barnett – provost and vice-president (academic)
g. siddall announced updates on three major projects that are in progress at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 .
collaborative doctor of veterinary medicine program
this joint initiative between 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 and the university of guelph is well underway.  世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 will take the first two years of their degree at lakehead, and the second two years at the ontario veterinary college at the university of guelph.  throughout 2024 and 2025, we will focus on building the two facilities necessary to deliver the first two years of curriculum at the thunder bay campus. there was a significant impact of inflation on building costs which meant that additional funding had to be secured.  that is now in place and the first intake of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 will start in fall 2026.
orillia expansion
after receiving the funding commitment from the county of simcoe, we are able to move forward with the next phase of planning for the orillia campus.  county council has approved $15 million which will be allocated through annual contributions over the next 10 years.  these funds will be earmarked to support the future expansion of the orillia campus, including the growth of student support services, the introduction of new programs, and the buildout of study and learning places.
kendaasiwin centre
the kendaasiwin centre was initially given funding for construction under the wynne government.  unfortunately, with the change of parties in ontario, the funds that were promised were cancelled.  moving forward, we will be looking for formal consultation with indigenous groups regarding the development of this project.  this is a very important step toward reconciliation and discussions will begin in the fall of 2024.
financial sustainability
although our international student numbers will remain unchanged, tuition remains frozen.  we will receive an increase of 5% to our base grant which will help.  lakehead is also eligible for a northern grant; however, we do not know how much that will be. 
a formation of a sustainability committee to address the structural deficit at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 is now underway. this committee will be looking for ways to cut costs as well as ways to generate more revenue.
strategic planning
the strategic plan for 2025/2030 is currently in the consultation phase.  we want to hear from members of our university and the communities we serve, and will be hosting a number of facilitated engagement sessions at lakehead thunder bay in june.  we invite 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , staff, and faculty to register here to participate in a session.  please note, we are limiting registration to 15 people per session with a plan to host additional sessions based on demand.  members of the community are also invited to provide input through this short, confidential survey, or directly to strategicplan@lakeheadu.ca. all information received through this channel will remain confidential and will not be attributed to any specific person/group.
we have already had several sessions, and there appear to be common priorities already emerging.
submit your thoughts/concerns to the advisory committee; share your thoughts!

an open session followed generating the following points:

faculty expressed concerns with regard to the following: 
·       lack of resources, ie:  tenure track hires; lta hires
·       lack of money for supplies and/or technology needed to run their programs
·       less staff available to help with community-based projects
·       burn out, ie:  trying to teach classes while continuing research and service
·       having to pay for spaces on campus for events, teaching a class, etc.
ways for improvement:
·       more cross-listed courses; increased collaboration among departments
·       more focus on “people”; review supports in place for faculty and modify according to results
·       develop new business model for the university in order to generate income

approval of agenda
it was moved by and seconded by s. shahsahabi and e. chugunov that the agenda be approved.
approval of minutes
approval of the minutes from april 12, 2024.  (d. hayes; l. chambers)
the minutes were accepted as presented.
business arising from the minutes

calendar changes
i) languages.
the following calendar change was tabled until the september 2024 faculty council meeting.
department/school requests.
i)  two items as points of information submitted by s. shahsahabi.
s. shahsahabi spoke about the two articles that he submitted to council for review.  (open letter from the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 community; lu solidarity with palestine.)  he stated that anyone who is interested to learn more can contact lu solidarity with palestine. 
department/school reports.
i)  english
it was moved by a. guttman and seconded by r. warburton that the recommendation for the renewal of
dr. linda rodenburg as external adjunct professor in the department of english for a four-year term be
dean’s report.
may 10, 2024.

social sciences & humanities: dean’s report

sshrc sig community-engaged research grant: community engagement session to develop strategic plan for sustainable id services by dr. chris sanders and dr. kristin burnett.
thunder bay historical museum society’s biennial publication awards to history alumni and faculty: hanna johnson, hba 2019, ma 2021) -ernest r. zimmermann first publication award and george b. macgillivray award for the best popular article, “swedish immigrants and religion in port arthur and fort william, 1883-1914” (paper & records, 2022)
dr. tom peotto (hba 2006, ma 2007) & connie nelson (professor emeritus of social work) – j.p. bertrand award for best scholarly article, “food production in the wabigoon basin: the first nine thousand years” (canadian historical review, 2022, 103:4).
chair in finnish studies (sept 2024-april 2025): dr. jarmo peltola, associate professor, economic and social history, university of helsinki; host department of history.
assistant deans: dr. tony puddephatt (thunder bay) and dr. jennifer jarman (orillia) for a term of 3 years starting july 1, 2024.
mental health week: may 6-12
refer to student mental health supports and faculty opportunities
strategic plan
online survey - email: strategicplan@lakeheadu.ca
blue box regulation annual reporting
resource productivity and recovery authority (rpra), the regulator for on to enforce resource recovery and circular economy act 2016 thru o.reg.391/21: blue box
convocation: thunder bay [may 30] and orillia [june 7]
june 6 – open meetings with faculty based in orillia campus
spring jibe may 29 @ masala grille 11:45 am- 2 pm
$2 donation for each dine-in buffet/entrée to student engagement fund (ssh trust account)
ba general arts
potential pathway for longtime employees in the education sector to complete a degree and qualify them for teaching thru the faculty of education.
hba general arts
previously approved by the faculty council. potential to revise the proposal and address comments. provide 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 the opportunity to pursue advanced degrees and minor studies.
confederation college
exploratory discussions with 4 instructors from interactive media development, and the film production programs (cc) and visual arts (lu) participated by professor shahsahabi and professor martin. deans at both institutions and dr. beaulieu were present on may 6.
summer zoom q& a with nw senior high schools
e-mail recruitment blitz to identify schools interested in an hour of qa about ssh programs. request departments to provide the dean’s office with digital program brochures. open invitation to any faculty to join forthcoming schedules.
university of the ryukyus
the only public university on the island of okinawa, japan. potential mou for student exchange, collaborative programs, etc. okinawans/ryukyuans are recognized as indigenous people by the un (2008) but not by the japanese government.
ssh ‘focus’
bi-annual highlights of the faculty: research, activities, accomplishments. to be shared with alumni relations and recruitment. photos from departments are recommended. possible release dates in may and december from the dean’s office.
other business.
i)  retirement party
a. guttman announced that there will be a retirement party for dr. chris parkes, associate professor, and mrs. cindy haggerty, administrative assistant, on friday, may 31, 2024 in the cases lounge (fb2002) at 1:00 pm.  all are welcome.!
next faculty council meeting: 
the next faculty council meeting with be held in september, 2024; date to be determined.
the meeting was adjourned at 11:51 am.  (a. carastathis)
thunder bay campus
g. bonifacio
k. brooks
k. burnett
a. carastathis
l. chambers
e. chugunov
a. guttman
d. hayes
d. ivison
c. sanders
s. shahsahabi
r. warburton
s. viitala - recording
orillia campus
p. das
a. den otter
v. hébert
r. mcveigh
d. mackinnon
m. stevenson
i. lemée
l. potvin

faculty council meeting - october 11, 2024 - deadline for agenda items: friday, october 4/2024

friday, october 11, 2024 - 10:00am
via zoom


faculty council meeting - march 7, 2025 - to be confirmed

friday, march 7, 2025 - 10:00am
via zoom


faculty council meeting - february 7, 2025

friday, february 7, 2025 - 10:00am
via zoom


faculty council meeting - may 9, 2025 - last meeting for the academic year

friday, may 9, 2025 - 10:00am
via zoom


faculty council meeting - april 11, 2025

friday, april 11, 2025 - 10:00am
via zoom

