feminisms at the lakehead
- when: april 10th (wednesday)
- where: uc 1029g faculty lounge (阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 , thunder bay* campus)
- doors open at 8:30am for coffee, tea and muffins
- presentations from 9am to 4pm
- vegetarian and non-vegetarian food options will be available
- please note that registration is required: email dr. roth at jroth@lakeheadu.ca
- *orillia and beyond: all are welcome! we'll send you a zoom link upon registration.
keynote speakers:
visiting keynote speaker:
- ojo agi, a nigerian-canadian artist whose work challenges the white patriarchal colonial gaze
local keynote speakers:
- kris tonkens (lwc)
- mz molly poppinz (storytime with drag queens)
- lady fantasia lapremière (storytime with drag queens)