gws winter course (housewives, radicals and gender-blenders)

course title: housewives, radicals and gender-blenders: theorizing equality 
course code: wome-3030-wde 
delivery: online (web course) / jan. 2024 - april 2024
instructor: dr. jen roth

course description: an introductory examination of the questions, tensions and debates within contemporary feminist theory from the late 20th century to the present. this course considers multiple feminisms' arguments, strategies and politics to understand how contemporary theoretical positions account for material inequalities and lived experiences of marginalization, and how they work towards social justice in gender.

please contact student central for any applicable fees at or (807) 343-8500.

three images: one of protestors, a second one with a pie regarding equal rights and the third image, a person holding out a washroom sign reading "all gender restroom"