feminist dialogues speaker series: exploring the underrepresentation of women coaches in canadian university sport

event date: 
monday, march 6, 2023 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm est
event location: 
event fee: 
none (event is free)
event contact name: 
elaine (gws administrative assistant)
event contact phone: 
(807) 343-8010 ext.8625
event contact e-mail: 

exploring the underrepresentation of women coaches in canadian university sport

currently, there are disproportionally few women who hold coaching positions within canadian university sport. to investigate the gender gap, dr. hayley baker's research explores the institutional practices that inform women coaches' working realities. in her talk, dr. baker will describe the taken-for-granted nature of university sport, calling for a more nuanced understanding of women's work in coaching to address gender disparity and diversify leadership in this space.

zoom link*: https://lakeheadu.zoom.us/j/97979034418?pwd=clvqs0fhvtdqau1yczdrtffsaudcut09
meeting id: 979 7903 4418
passcode: 203739
*please note you do not need to create a zoom account since you would be joining a zoom event as a participant.