spring course: gender, bodies & sexuality (wome-3111-sde)

in wome 3213: gender, bodies, and sexuality, 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 will be taught a broad range of topics related to gender normativity, performativity, gender-bending, identity and agency, queer politics, disability, and the destabilization and subversion of oppressive power. from an intersectional feminist lens, this course will critically discuss themes of embodiment, power, subjectivity, performativity, and drag performance as they relate to social, scientific, and political constructions of the body. we will explore feminist written and creative responses to the personal, social, and global ways that bodies exist in all of its variety. through online discussions, we will explore the critical fields of transgender studies, disability studies, decolonization and critical race studies, critical animal studies, and sexuality studies to convey perspectives and transform belief systems that reflect, relate, and diversify our own and shared embodied experiences.
(instructor is dr. miranda niittynen)