welcome to gender and women's studies! we hope you will enjoy your experience in our department. this resource provides information about the most salient aspects of your job, but is not comprehensive. if you have a question or concern not covered here, the chair's door is always metaphorically open. please do not hesitate to be in touch.

starting employment  

congratulations and welcome to the department! here is your place to start. 

preparing your courses

there are a number of requirements for each course you teach. this link should help with your preparation and questions.

teaching and course evaluation

prior, during and upon completion! we hope this can answer many of those how to's as you move through the teaching process.

department policies

this is important information to read over regarding university and department policies. 

department life

we look forward to you being involved in our many activities. gender and women's studies is an active bunch and we encourage participation!

information for markers and non-ga tutorial assistants

student supports

we don't have the answer for all student inquiries but this should help in redirecting them to those that do.