gender and women's studies courses 2020-21
fall 2020
wome-2113: gender, popular culture and counter-culture
wome-3030: theorizing equality: housewives, radicals & gender-blenders
wome-3033: transnational masculinities
wome-4010: interspecies intersectional feminisms
full year (2020-2021)
wome-1100 yde: women's and gender studies
wome-1100 ydf: women's and gender studies
wome-5101-yde: theory and method in women's studies (methods)
wome-5101-yde: theory and method in women's studies (theory)
winter 2021
wome-2111: queer visual culture
wome-3055: global reproductive justice
wome-3356: feminist engagement with law
wome-4110: race, disability and feminism
spring/summer 2021