gender and women's studies courses 2021-22
fall 2021
wome-2114: ecofeminism
wome-3030: housewives, radicals and gender-blenders: theorizing equality
wome-3111: human rights and the museum
wome-3133: women, technology and cyberculture
wome-3214: queer studies
wome-4214: regulating reproduction and families
full year (2021-2022)
wome-1100 yde: madonna to madonna: women's and gender studies
wome-1100 ydf: madonna to madonna: women's and gender studies
wome-1100 ydg: madonna to madonna: women's and gender studies
wome-5101-yde: feminist theories and methods (theory) (methods)
winter 2022
wome-2012: body politics: booties, breasts, and babies
wome-2111: queer activism
wome-3357: law and women's lives
wome-4010: women, gender and social justice
spring/summer 2022
wome-3111-sde: representing disability