outlines the methods of sustaining an art practice as a visual artist. following a review of the canadian gallery structure, 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
will explore strategies for self-promotion by preparing a curriculum vitae, learning about photo and video documentation, online promotion and creating a public profile, and writing an application cover letter. topics also include grants and grant writing for visual artists, establishing a studio business, graduate studies, studio residencies, and other opportunities for artists.
credit weight:
4th year standing in honours visual arts
3-0; 0-0
notes: enrolment limit 15. 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
must have fourth year standing in the visual arts honours program.
who have a previous credit in visual arts 4130 may not take visual arts 4017 for credit.
course classifications:
type a: humanities
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