congratulations dr. puddephatt

qualitative sociology review: volume xvi, issue 2 (april 2020)

by antony puddephatt and steven kleinknecht (volume editors)

a festschrift for william shaffir

this special issue celebrates the career contributions of dr. william shaffir, a central symbolic interactionist ethnographer at mcmaster university in hamilton ontario, canada, for over 40 years (now emeritus). here, his 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 from all across this timespan pen essays in appreciation of dr. shaffir, considering his importance to the development of symbolic interactionism in canada, his personal approach to field methods and participant observation, his warm teaching and mentoring style, and his approach to, and legacy of, building rich concepts closely fitted to the empirical social world.


for additional information: qualitative sociology review