please scroll down to view our spring/summer 2014 course offerings.
2013-2014 course outlines - thunder bay campus
soc 1100 ya introduction to sociology - laurie forbes - fall 2013 term
soc 1100 ya introduction to sociology - brian mcmillan - winter 2014 term
soc 1100 yb introduction to sociology
soc 1100 yc introduction to sociology
soc 1100 yd introduction to sociology
soc 2111 fa perspectives in social thought
soc 2111 fb perspectives in social thought
soc 2301 ya sociology of law - please contact dr. jarman
soc 2455 fa computers and society
soc 2455 wa computers and society
soc 2509 ya sociology of health and illness
soc 2755 fa technology & society
soc 2755 wa technology & society
soc 2817 fa sociology of the north
soc 2911 wa social research traditions
soc 3310 fa foundations of social research - please contact dr. jarman
soc 3311 wa research techniques and data analysis
soc 3410 fa sociological theory – pre 1920s
soc 3411 wa contemporary sociology theory
soc 3501 ya sociology of education
soc 3513 fa sociology of aging
soc 3515 wa life course studies
soc 3613 fa canadian population
soc 3811 wa surveillance and society
soc 4105 ya women and sociological theory
soc 4113 fa individual(ism) 2.0: living in a liquid world
soc 4250 wa law and society - please contact dr. jarman
soc 4313 fa problems and issues in research
soc 5111 fa problems & issues in sociology - please contact dr. jarman
soc 5113 fa qualitative methods
soc 5115 fa individual(ism) 2.0: living in a liquid world
soc 5115 wa from thought to expression: an architecture of research foundation
soc 5217 wa social issues in the canadian north
2013-2014 course outlines - orillia campus
soc 1100 yao introduction to sociology
soc 1100 ybo introduction to sociology - please contact dr. quinlan
soc 2111 fao perspectives in social thought
soc 2205 yao race and ethnic relations
soc 3310 wao foundations of social research
soc 3811 wao surveillance and society
soc 4103 yao political sociology and conflict resolution
2014 spring and summer courses
sociology 1100 sde: introduction to sociology
web course classes start: may 1st – classes end: june 12th
sociology 2111 ade: perspectives in social thought
web course classes start: july 2nd – classes end: july 22nd
sociology 2755 sa: technology and society
on campus monday to thursday: 1:30 – 4:00 p.m.
classes start: may 26th – classes end: june 12th
sociology 2755 sde: technology and society
web course classes start: may 1st – classes end: may 22nd
sociology 2221 sa: criminology
on campus monday to thursday: 6:00 - 8:30 p.m.
classes start: may 1st – classes end: june 12th
sociology 3505 ade: the sociology of work
web course classes start: july 2nd – classes end: august 13th
sociology 4551 sde: food and culture
web course classes start: may 1st – classes end: june 12