recent books by dr. pauline sameshima win an award and an honourable mention

two books published last year by dr. pauline sameshima (professor and canada research chair in arts integrated studies) have been recognized by the society of professors of education — with one winning an outstanding book award and the other, an outstanding book award honourable mention.

parallaxic praxis: multimodal interdisciplinary pedagogical research design, which pauline co-authored with dr. patricia maarhuis (washington state university) and dr. sean wiebe (university of prince edward island) was awarded the 2020 society of professors of education outstanding book award. this book outlines the extensive research possibilities of the “parallaxic praxis” framework for interdisciplinary partnerships, cross-sector collaborations, and scholars undertaking research projects in social justice, community engagement, teacher education, indigenous research, and health and wellness.

ma: materiality in teaching and learning was awarded a 2020 society of professors of education outstanding book award honourable mention. the book, co-edited with dr. boyd white (mcgill university) and dr. anita sinner (concordia university), explores the japanese concept of ma as “the interval between two markers,” as a threshold space where new understanding and learning can occur.
