course outlines
course outlines - thunder bay campus
ps 1100 ya introduction to political science
ps 1100 yb introduction to political science
ps 1301 yde introduction to law
ps 2213 fa canadian political processes
ps 2311 fa criminal law outline
ps 2313 wa human rights and civil liberties
ps 2315 wa law and politics of the family outline
ps 2617 wde international law and organizations
ps 3217 wa local government in canada
ps 3333 fa comp. study of indust. states of europe
ps 3338 wa comparative federalism
ps 3351 wde aboriginal people and the law
ps 3517 fa modern political thought
ps 3519 fde special topics: the arab spring
ps 3617 fa foreign policy decision making
ps 3619 wa foreign policies of the major powers
ps 3711 wa public administration
ps 4101 ya undergraduate honours thesis - please contact the department
ps 4110 fa research methodology
ps 4150 wa topics in law
ps 4215 fa canadian political thought
ps 4255 wa canadian public policy
ps 4311 wa selected problems in comparative politics
ps 4315 wa security and conflict resolution
ps 4911 fa the pol. of charter of rights and freedoms
course outlines - orillia campus
ps 1100 yao introduction to political science
ps 2212 wao canadian government
ps 2410 fao mass media and politics
ps 3311 fao third world politics and society
ps 4315 wao security and conflict resolution