course outlines 2008-2009
2009 spring and summer course outlines
2008-2009 course outlines
ps 1100 ya introduction to political science
ps 1100 yb introduction to political science
ps 2313 wa human rights and civil liberties
ps 2335 fa politics, government and society in u.s.
ps 2510 fa ancient and medieval pol. thought
ps 2617 wde international law & organizations - distance education
ps 3217 wde local government in canada - distance education
ps 3333 fa comparative study of industrial states in europe
ps 3334 wa comparative study of industrial states outside europe
ps 3351 wa aboriginal peoples and the law
ps 3355 wa public policy and development
ps 3517 fa modern political thought
ps 4101 ya undergraduate honours thesis - please contact the department
ps 4110 fa research methodology
ps 4211 fa native and northern political movements
ps 4215 wa canadian political thought
ps 4255 wa canadian public policy
ps 4312 fa foreign policies of japan, china and india
ps 4330 wa theories of the state
ps 4555 wa politics of public policy