lucls successful in divisional court appeal for tenants' rights

our clinic uses law 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to represent people at the landlord and tenant board.  in this particular case, the student was successful at the board, but the landlord appealed to the divisional court.  since law 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 are not permitted to appear in higher courts, our senior review counsel, rodi-lynn rusnick-kinisky stepped in to finish the job.  she successfully represented our client on an appeal from the landlord & tenant board, at the divisional court.  we are very pleased to say that we were successful and the judgment of the court has been published.  click here for the judgment of the landlord tenant board.  click here for the appeal judgment on canlii.  (note: proceedings before the court are a matter of public record).