financial eligibility

we use the criteria set by legal aid ontario to determine your financial eligibility for community legal services. 

if your household income and assets are below the threshold, then you are financially eligible to use our services. thresholds vary depending on the number of adults in the family and the number of children under 18 residing with the applicant.

you are automatically financially eligible if your family's primary source of income is from any of the following social assistance programs:

  • ontario works;
  • ontario disability support program;
  • old age security pension with guaranteed income support;
  • war veterans allowance;
  • canada pension plan (only where this is the primary source of income); or
  • workplace safety insurance board benefits which are temporary or threatened.

proof of income is required. please bring a copy of your most recent paystubs or benefit payment records to your intake meeting. please call community legal services at (807) 346-7815 to see if you qualify.

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