undergraduate program learner outcomes
the school of kinesiology delivers content through lectures and seminars and requires 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to engage in group experiences as well as to work independently. our faculty and staff introduce 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to both traditional, case, and problem based learning styles. the curriculum provides opportunities for practical application and hands-on experiences during tutorials, laboratories, placements, and research experiences.
graduates of our undergraduate programs will be able to:
- show respect and appreciation for the philosophical basis of higher education, including exploration, social interaction, and experimentation
- analyze the function of muscles involved in the gross and fine motor movements
- analyze human movement in order to improve mechanical efficiency and/or effectiveness
- discuss how theories of movement acquisition, learning and memory relate to practical situations
- evaluate the impact, based on sociological theories, of social class, gender, race and ethnicity on people's practices and attitudes towards sport and physical activity
- identify the fundamental theory and theorists which relate psychology to the understanding and analysis of the sport and physical activity environment
- demonstrate an understanding of the use of evidence based practice while developing clinical reasoning skills
- apply statistical methods for developing and critically evaluating numerical data in the health sciences
- explain and apply the basic principles of cardiovascular and respiratory physiology, bioenergetics, and neuromuscular structure and function to different types of exercise and work
- demonstrate an understanding of the role of diet and exercise in body composition and weight control
- differentiate the role of the kinesiologist from other members of a healthcare team in the management of health and lifestyle*
- demonstrate an understanding of the theory which relates to ergonomics and kinesiology
- analyze workplace efficiency using ergonomic assessment techniques
- demonstrate proper documentation and referencing in accordance with apa format
- apply reasoning and other reflective skills to ensure that they act in the interest of moral and ethical values
- critically review and report literature, develop research questions, plan research methods, collect, analyze and interpret data, and present results in a clear and concise manner.
- apply in-class learning to real-world situations through engagement with community-based organizations and individuals*
世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in kinesiology will engage in a physically active environment and develop an ability to:
- identify, select, and administer appropriate observation strategies to evaluate human movement
- observe and assess the development of fundamental human movement, movement patterns and movement skills throughout the lifespan
- analyze human movement qualitatively and quantitatively
- observe, interpret, and implement principles of physical activity program planning, including adapting, interviewing, advising, counselling, and prescribing
- identify, select and prescribe intervention strategies to enhance human movement
in addition to delivering a student-centred curriculum focused on the understanding of the science of human movement, the school is also committed to developing graduates with leadership and critical thinking skills. graduates will:
- critically evaluate the contribution of an active physical lifestyle to the health and well-being of the individual
- deomonstrate attitudes and behaviours for success in university, including communication skills (written, verbal, and listening) and analytical skills (numeracy, critical thinking, and problem solving)
- engage effectively with other 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in group learning processes*
- integrate technology into the analysis and interpretation of human movement
undergraduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 enrolled in the kinesiology co-operative education program will:
- integrate conceptual learning from the classroom with actual application in the workplace
- complete 4 or 5 four-month work term experiences and complete reports enhancing the understanding of his/her profession and its practice in the workplace*
- develop and demonstrate personal attributes, such as improved oral and written skills, self-confidence, maturity, independence, the ability to accept responsibility and work effectively with others
undergraduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 enrolled in the kinesiology concurrent education program will:
- complete undergraduate electives in education to explore concepts related to pedagogy and to enhance the understanding of key information related to teaching
- develop and demonstrate a greater understanding of pedagogy, classroom management strategies related to 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 with exceptionalities, educational psychology as it applies in the classroom, and awareness of issues in elementary and secondary education*