cultural expressions of abiayala (indi 3110 wa in winter 2024)
indi 3110 wa / indi 4010 wa / socj 5011 wdi: "cultural expressions of abiayala" on zoom (thunder bay campus) on mondays, 11:30am-2:30pm, winter 2024
course description: abiayala is a term that has been used for thousands of years in the gunadule language to refer to the americas. it literally means “land in full maturity”, which challenges the colonial perspective of our continent as a young “new world”. this trans-indigenous class includes oral, written, and recorded pieces from different genres and practices including oraliture, embroidery, painting, songs, performance, and cinema. some of the readings and videos will be in translation from spanish and native languages. the main objective of this course is to suggest cultural links between indigenous peoples through their classical and contemporary expressions.
instructor: dr. sanchez martinez
to access the poster in pdf, click here.