2011-2012 course outlines

fall courses:
indi 1100 fa - introduction to cree i
indi 1014 fa - introduction to severn ojibwe i
indi 1014 fb - introduction to severn ojibwe i
indi 1015 fa - introduction to western ojibwe i
indi 1310 fa - methods/approaches applied to indigenous learning
indi 2054 fa - aboriginal peoples and natural resources
indi 2173 fa - archaeology of north america
indi 2311 fa - native peoples and newcomers
indi 2513 fa - colonial latin america and the caribbean
indi 3311 fa - native peoples and community
indi 3330 fa - north american fur trade
indi 4111 fa - honours project i
indi 4411 fa - social work practice and aboriginal people

full year courses:
indi 1100 ya - introduction to indigenous learning
indi 2301 ya - special topics
indi 2702 ya - literature of canada's first nations
indi 2805 ya - native canadian world views
indi 3100 ya - research methodology
indi 3501 ya - native narratives, myths, legends, and ceremonies
indi 4301 ya - special topics

winter courses:
indi 1013 wa - introduction to cree ii
indi 1016 wa - introduction to severn ojibwe ii
indi 1016 wb - introduction to severn ojibwe ii
indi 1017 wa - introduction to western ojibwe ii
indi 2515 wa - modern latin america and the caribbean
indi 3612 wa - indigenous women and health
indi 4112 wa - honours project ii
indi 4411 wde - social work practice and aboriginal people