video documentary from "saul laskin, man and politician" presented by dr. peter raffo

this documentary about the first mayor of the city of thunder bay, saul laskin, was developed from a partnership between the thunder bay museum (tbhms), shebafilms, and the friends of the finnish labour temple called "the reel memories of the lakehead project".

dr. peter raffo, adjunct and professor emeritus, department of history delivered a public virtual talk (september 22, 2020) as part of the department's annual sponsored speaker events with the tbhms entitled "saul laskin: man and politician". this documentary compiles the recording of that speaker's event, archival film scanned as part of the reel memories project, and photographs from the thunder bay museum’s archive.

congratulations are given dr. peter raffo, the thunder bay museum, sheba films (kelly saxberg and dr. ronald harpelle) , and the reel memories project (contributions department of history from dr. nathan hatton, dr. thomas peotto, history graduate student kaitlin green).

to view the tbhms website release of the film documentary, please click here.