department member releases book

jean-yves bernard is an assistant professor in the department of history who specializes in european history and international relations in the 20th century.
13 october 2004 - thunder bay
department of history, faculty of education work together to create new website
阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 's department of history and faculty of education have teamed together to create a new tool to help teachers and 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 learn about a unique subject.
some lakehead u education 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 will be getting a first-hand look at the educational website on friday, october 15. this site is an example of the unique way that educational resources are being made available to teachers. is devoted to the silent films of the port arthur amateur cinema society and the people behind them. it is intended to provide visitors with historical information and educational resources about a unique part of canada's film history. it will allow 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to experience how silent films were made, from start to finish, during the 1920s in canada.
what: educational website launch
where: 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
, atac 1003
when: friday, october 15, 2004, at 1:30 p.m.
"our objective is to have this website used in every school in the country," says dr. ron harpelle, project co-ordinator and chair of the history department. "it is a valuable resource with a wealth of information on it. this is an intriguing part of our history, and will be an engaging subject for 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to learn about."
speakers at the launch will be dr. harpelle; michel beaulieu, who worked on research and writing; noreen ivancic, the educational designer; and dan peerenboom, the web designer.
members of the media are invited to attend the launch. please call marla tomlinson at 343-8177 to have a parking pass issued.
18 march 2004 - thunder bay
bruce muirhead, this year's distinguished researcher at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 , came to thunder bay with his family to teach in the history department in 1985. since then, he has published two books with prestigious university presses, mcgill-queen's university press and the university of toronto press, and has another book in process with the latter. his second book, against the odds: the public life and times of louis rasminsky, won the faye and joseph tanenbaum prize for canadian jewish history.
he has also published articles in the top refereed journals of his profession, both national and international. in one of these, the american review of canadian studies, an external assessor wrote that muirhead's article had changed the way in which he viewed the issue upon which muirhead was writing.
he has also been active in the university community. muirhead has represented lakehead at the council of ontario universities, based in toronto, where he was eventually asked to serve on its executive committee. as well, he served for a term on the council of the social sciences and humanities research council of canada, one of the federal granting agencies, with a budget of approximately $120 million. in january 2003, he was selected by the shastri indo-canadian institute as its lecturer in canadian studies and was sent on a lecture tour to nine indian universities. he and his family also spent a year in japan, with muirhead as a visiting professor at gifu university for languages in gifu, japan.
finally, he has held two prestigious social science and humanities research grants to undertake research for his books, and one research contract from the bank of canada to research and write his biography of the former governor, louis rasminsky. he continues to research and write and has shifted his attention from trade policy development to the evolution of canada's overseas development assistance policy from 1945 to 1989. he and his collaborator on this project, greg donaghy of the department of foreign affairs and international trade, have already begun the legwork that will result in another book.
this year muirhead was also the recipient of a 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 "contribution to teaching award." his 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 obviously appreciate the fact that his research, and his stories of peril in various archives, informs his teaching. as well, for the past number of years he has been cited in maclean's real guide to canadian universities and colleges as one of this university's most popular professors.