graduate conference: inequality . landscapes. resources.

event date: 
friday, april 8, 2016 - 8:00am to 4:00pm edt
event location: 
event contact web: 
change . challenge . opportunity

this conference is being sponsored by the resources, economy, & society research group (resrg), the department of history, & the faculty of graduate studies at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 .
the resources, economy, and society research group (resrg) invites graduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to present their research on questions of economic, environmental, and socio-political development, and the problems associated with sustainability. this student-led conference asks how systems of power and control foster unequal exchanges, and what can be done to promote equality in society, the economy, and resource extraction. possible themes could include:
corporate responsibility
history & landscapes
ethics & values
human geography
the body & society
studies in northern ontario
social, economic, or environmental history
food security
race & ethnic relations
human bio-cultural adaption eco-tourism
sustainability in resource extraction
the northern environment & culture
see for details and application requirements. deadline is march 18th, 2016. the resrg graduate conference will be held april 8th, 2016. lunch will be provided.