presentation: history of capitalism, class struggle & geographical uneveness

event date: 
thursday, march 10, 2016 - 1:00pm to 2:30pm est
event location: 
ryan building 1047
event fee: 
free. everyone is welcome.
event contact name: 
dr. steven jobbit
event contact e-mail: 
event contact web: 

this free public talk seeks to theorize capitalism as a class relation in the sphere of production, stressing its historical and geographical character as it is shaped by class struggle. it explores the implications of such a theorization for understanding under- development and uneven development on an international scale.
raju j. das is associate professor and director of the graduate program in geography at york university, toronto. he is also a faculty member in the graduate programs in social and political thought, and development studies. his research focuses on political economy, development studies, labor, state theory, social capital, social classes, and social movements. in 2015, he published a contribution to the critique of contemporary capitalism. his class theory for a skeptical world will be published by brill, and critical concepts in political economy and development will be published by routledge in 2016. dr. das has published articles in various journals including capital and class, science and society, journal of contemporary asia, human geography, journal of peasant studies, review of radical political economics, and transactions of the institute of british geographers.
this presentation is brought to you by the resources, society, and economy research group (resrg) and the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 department of history.