"to b* -- or not to b* that is the question: *boycott-divest-sanction israel"
event date:
thursday, february 4, 2016 - 8:00pm to 9:30pm est
event location:
regional centre 1002
event fee:
free. everyone one is welcome.
event contact name:
dr. michel s. beaulieu
event contact phone:
(807) 343-8341
event contact e-mail:
event contact web:
the thunder bay branch of the canadian international council and 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
’s department of history and are pleased to host joyce and peter fergus-moore who will speak on "to b* -- or not to b* that is the question:
*boycott-divest-sanction israel"
speakers bios: peter and joyce fergus-moore, who worked in palestine as world council of churches ecumenical accompaniers during november 2013-february 2014, became acutely aware of human rights violations due to the israeli occupation. they would like to explain the current bds israel campaign.