geoscience links
- organizations & general interest
- corporations
- canadian university programs
geoscience organizations & general interest
- geological association of canada
- canadian geoscience council
- geological survey of canada
- canadian society of exploration geophysicists
- canadian society of petroleum geologists
- mineralogical association of canada
the mining innovation, rehabilitation and applied research corporation (mirarco)
ontario geological survey
ministry of the environment
ministry of northern development & mines
ministry of northern development & mines - mines & minerals division
geology ontario - access to free pdfs of all ogs maps and publications
centre for remote sensing
geodetic survey
national research council
natural resources canada - minerals and metals sector
national sciences and engineering research council (nserc)
royal tyrrell museum of palaeontology
standards council of canada
meteorite and impacts advisory committee
professional geoscientists of ontario
canadian environmental certification approvals board (cecab)
canadian exploration geophysical society (kegs)
canadian institute of mining, metallurgy & petroleum (cim)
canadian mining hall of fame
canadian rockhound magazine
cascades volcano observatory
mining association of canada
mining terms explained a to z
northern prospectors association
northwestern ontario prospectors association
ontario prospectors association
prospectors and developers association of canada (pdac)
seismosurfing the net - earthquake related links
society of economic geologists
ultimate list of volcano teaching resources
usgs volcanoes web site
volcanology and igneous petrology division of the gac