bernie schnieders memorial award (photos)

on saturday, november 18, 2006, amy shute, a graduate student in the department of geology, was the first recipient of the bernie schnieders memorial award. the award was presented by bernie's wife joni.
the award was created in loving memory of bernie schnieders by his family, friends and colleagues to support graduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 .  the geology department would like to thank all those who contributed to the fund for their generous support.

in addition to the award a display of samples from local mineral deposits was unveiled as a permanent memorial to bernie. the collection is located on the second floor of the centennial building.
amy shute (right) accepting award from joni schnieders.
dr. stephen kissin welcoming family, friends and colleagues who attended the event.
the bernie schneiders collection - a display of samples from local mineral deposits established to honour bernie's memory
bernie's family inspect the collection with dr. kissin.