myra c. kennedy hbsc thesis abstract
in a north-south traverse of the quetico subprovince (of the superior province, canadian shield) a metasedimentary sequence and a migmatitic sequence are exposed. the metasedimentary sequence consists of slates and turbiditic greywackes. interbedded with these are calc-silicate rich horizons and nodules. the metasediments are folded into a major f1 antiform and synform which are probably downward facing on the schistosity. in the northern part of the study area a schistose migmatitic sequence is exposed separated from the metasediments by intrusive rocks.
grade of the syn and post-tectonic metamorphism increases from south to north. low grade (chlorite, biotite), middle grade (staurolite, cordierite) and high grade (sillimanite) zones are defined. a somewhat higher pressure assemblage, including staurolite, is probably post dated by a lower pressure assemblage, including cordierite.
a zone of largely ductile dislocation metamorphism in a zone known as the quetico fault, post dates the regional metamorphism.