john f. scott hbsc thesis abstract

thesis title: 
geology of the buda feldspar occurrence goldie township district of thunder bay ontario

this report will describe the geology and briefly comment on the economic potential of a feldspar pegmatite located in the north central goldie township, approximately 33 miles by air northwest of thunder bay, ontario.  suggestions will be made as to how to evaluate the full potential of the occurrence.  the pegmatite forms the crest of a northerly trending ridge located between the trans-canada pipeline and the canadian pacific railway tracks.  this ridge is located approximately one mile northwest of buda, a siding on the cpr.  the dike intrudes quartz-biotite schists, hornblendite, and a hornblendite-granite agmatite.  the pegmatite attains a maximum apparent width of 85 feet where it crosses the hornblendite/quartz-biotite schist contact.  the dike is exposed for a strike length of over 1200 feet.  where seen in section, the dike exhibits a dip of 45° to 50° south.  microcline feldspar of economic grade and undermined tonnage exist in the buda pegmatite.  from the chemical analysis, the dike has some potential for rare metals, namely rubidium, yttrium and cesium.  mineralogically the dike consists of 80-90 percent feldspar, 5-8 percent quartz, 1 percent muscovite, and garnet, apatite, pyrite and all other accessory minerals make up the balance.  commercial development of this dike will depend on the viability of the larger pegmatite found by steep rock iron mines approximately 0.75 miles to the west of the buda dike.