geology thesis seminars 2019 - proposal presentations by d. campbell and p. hamilton

event date: 
monday, february 25, 2019 - 10:00am est
event location: 
cb 3031
event contact name: 
dr. shannon zurevinski
event contact e-mail: 

the department of geology graduate thesis seminars 2019 proposal presentations by:

dana campbell
"geochemistry and glacial dispersal patterns of kimberlite indicator minerals in the slave province, northwest territories"

patrick hamilton
"the geochemistry and alteration of the pemberton hills lithocap"

click here for poster

monday, february 25th
10:00 am
cb 3031

geology thesis seminars 2019 - proposal and in progress presentations by a. jedemann & c. boucher

event date: 
monday, february 11, 2019 - 10:00am est
event location: 
cb 3031
event contact name: 
dr. shannon zurevinski
event contact e-mail: 

the department of geology graduate thesis seminars 2019 proposal and in progress reports presented by:

andrew jedemann
"the geochemistry and alteration of the pemberton green rock"

chanelle boucher
"geology and geochemistry of ultramafic rocks in the lake of the woods greenstone belt"

click here for poster 

monday, february 11th
10:00 am
cb 3031

geology thesis seminars 2019 - proposal and progress presentations by r. joseph and s. kurucz

event date: 
monday, february 4, 2019 - 10:00am est
event location: 
cb 3031
event contact name: 
dr. shannon zurevinski
event contact e-mail: 

the department of geology graduate thesis seminars 2019
proposal and progress reports presented by:

ruth joseph
"using soil organic carbon attributes to assess the effect of wood ash addition in canadian forest soils"

sophie kurucz
"paleoproterozoic snowball earth?: sedimentology and geochemistry of a huronian glacial"

click here for poster 

monday, february 4th
10:00 am
cb 3031

geology msc thesis defense presented by j. vrzovski

event date: 
monday, january 14, 2019 - 10:00am est
event location: 
cb 3031
event contact name: 
dr. shannon zurevinski, graduate coordinator
event contact e-mail: 

department of geology seminar series
thesis defense presented by:

 joseph vrzovski
master of science in geology candidate
"mineral chemistry and applications for regional exploration at the
hemlo gold deposit, ontario, canada"

monday, january 14, 2019
10:00 am
cb 3031

geology seminar series 2018-2019 presents dr. dogan paktunc, senior research scientist, nrc, canmetmining

event date: 
wednesday, december 12, 2018 - 3:00pm est
event location: 
cb 3031
event contact name: 
dr. andrew conly
event contact e-mail: 

geology department 2018-2019 seminar series
guest speaker:

dr. dogan paktunc
senior research scientist
natural resources canada, canmetmining

"towards sustainable development of the ring of fire chromite resources"

wednesday, december 12, 2018
at 3:00 pm
in cb 3031

geology seminar series 2018-2019: pdac presentation - dr. mary louise hill

event date: 
thursday, november 22, 2018 - 3:00pm est
event location: 
cb 3031
event contact name: 
dr. m-l hill
event contact e-mail: 

geology department 2018-2019 seminar series
pdac presentation:

dr. mary louise hill
professor, dept. of geology, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
director, prospectors & developers association of canada

"competitiveness of the mineral exploration industry - a canadian perspective"

thursday, november 22nd, 2018
at 3:00 pm in cb 3031

2018-2019 cseg distinguished lecturer - david gray

event date: 
thursday, october 18, 2018 - 3:00pm edt
event location: 
cb 3031
event contact name: 
dr. mary louise hill
event contact e-mail: 

geology department seminar series
canadian society of exploration geophysicists 2018-19 (cseg) 
distinguished lecture tour 

david gray 
2018-19 cseg distinguished lecturer

"the lecture: an unconventional view of geoscience"

thursday, october 18, 2018   
at 3:00 pm in cb 3031
click here for poster

geology seminar series 2018-2019 guest speaker: john mcbride, apgo's north west regional councillor

event date: 
thursday, november 1, 2018 - 3:00pm edt
event location: 
cb 3031
event contact name: 
dr. mary louise hill
event contact e-mail: 

geology department 2018-2019 seminar series
guest speaker:

john mcbride, p.geo.
apgo's north west regional councillor

"becoming a professional geoscientist - what you need to know"

 attend the apgo's information session at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 on:
thursday, november 1st, 2018
at 3:00 pm
in  cb 3031



geology thesis seminars 2018 - progress reports presented by m. afroz and j. savard

event date: 
thursday, october 25, 2018 - 3:00pm edt
event location: 
cb 3031
event contact name: 
dr. s. zurevinski
event contact e-mail: 

the department of geology graduate thesis seminars 2018
progress reports presented by:

munira afroz
"sedimentology and geochemistry of the basinal facies of the 2.94 ga red lake carbonate platform"

johnathan james savard
"petrology of ijolites from the prairie lake carbonatite complex"

click here for poster

thursday, october 25th
at 3:00 pm
in cb 3031


geology seminar series 2018-2019 presents guest speaker dr. p. fralick, professor, lu geology

event date: 
thursday, october 4, 2018 - 3:00pm edt
event location: 
cb 3031
event contact name: 
dr. mary louise hill
event contact e-mail: 

geology department 2018-2019 seminar series
guest speaker:

dr. philip fralick
professor, department of geology

"when did photosynthesis evolve on planet earth"

thursday, october 4, 2018
at 3:00 p.m.
in cb 3031
