geology seminar series 2018 - honours thesis presentations by a. jedemann, e. beardy and c. leale
the department of geology seminar series
2018 honours thesis presentations by:
andrew jedemann
"the geochemistry and petrology of the boyer showing within the coldwell alkaline complex"
ethan beardy
“pyrite characterization at musselwhile mine"
carina leale
"the effects of fire, harvest and compound disturbance on soil carbon and nitrogen stores in a boreal mixedwood forest"
click here for poster
monday, march 26th, 2018
10:30 am cb 3031
geology class photo 2017/2018
will take place outside on monday, march 26th at ~11:15 a.m. after the last seminar
(weather permitting same place as last year, steps going down to lake tamblyn just outside of cb)