munro family memorial prize for poetry and prose
entry deadline: january 31 2017, 4:30pm
prose: each entry should be a short story/piece of fiction consisting of one manuscript not less that 1500 words and double spaced. creative non-fiction is acceptable. academic papers and other non-fiction prose will not be considered. entries will not be returned.
poetry: each entry may consist of one long poem or several shorter poems, but submissions must consist of not less that 100 lines of poetry. entries will not be returned.
eligibility: open to all full-time undergraduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 registered at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 . only one submission per student per category will be accepted. submissions must be previously unpublished.
entry forms may be picked up from the department of english or online. //