english and cultural studies graduate faculty and areas of specialization

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area of specialization

dr. alice den otter


british romantic literature (especially william blake, anna letitia barbauld, samuel taylor coleridge, and mary shelley), gift exchange, and rhetorical theory

dr. monica flegel


cultural studies, specifically: victorian literature and culture; children's literature and culture; fan and media studies; and animal studies

dr. anna guttman


postcolonial literature and culture, including literature and culture of asia, africa, the caribbean and their diasporas; multicultural literature; travel writing; women's writing; gender and sexuality; nations and nationalisms; globalization

dr. max haiven



globalization studies; capitalism and ideology; activism, community organizing and social movements; cultural studies; critical theory; debt and financialization; cultural production and culture industries; commons and alternative economies; participatory methodologies; games.

dr. daniel hannah


american literature (especially nineteenth-century); british romantic literature; transatlantic studies; comics and graphic narratives; queer theory; ecocriticism.

dr. douglas hayes


medieval and tudor drama, classical, medieval, and renaissance rhetoric, scots makars, scholarly editing, and learning experience design

dr. douglas ivison


canadian literature; urbanism; space and place; regionalism; globalization; climate crisis; science fiction; popular culture.

dr. judith leggatt


indigenous literature and theory; speculative fiction; canadian literature; caribbean literature; women's literature

dr. cheryl lousley


contemporary canadian literature, environmental literary and cultural studies, feminist studies, social and cultural theory, and globalization

dr. sarah olutola



black and critical race studies, postcolonialism, african and african diasporic, anglophone literature, popular media culture and youth literature.

dr. chris parkes


children's literature, and eighteenth-century literature

dr. scott pound


modern and contemporary american literature, poetry and poetics, media history, modernism and the literary avant-gardes, as well as creative projects in a variety of modes and genres.

dr. jenny roth

adjunct to department of english


feminist law and literature, cyberfeminism, feminist cultural studies and fan studies, and women and leadership

dr. batia stolar


immigrant literatures and film, canadian and american literatures, visual culture, the gothic

dr. rachel warburton


early modern (16th and 17th century) english literature and culture; early women's writing; histories of sexuality; feminist, gender, and queer theory