honours bachelor of science degree (bioinformatics)

a student may enter, proceed in and graduate from the honours bsc program in accordance with enter, proceed and graduate from the honours bsc program in accordance with stipulations in the university regulations section and the faculty of science and environmental studies faculty regulations section of the calendar. all course choices in fourth year must be approved by the program co-ordinator.

in order to remain in the program, 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 must maintain at least an overall b average in the core courses taken in the program. by march 15 of their third year, 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 eligible to enter the fourth year of the honours bsc program, and who intend to fulfill the thesis requirement in the next academic year must:

  • have a faculty advisor,
  • have a topic approved by the advisor, and
  • submit a one-page report, outlining the thesis proposal, to the program co-ordinator.

note: for all program requirements and regulations, see our university calendar

program requirements

to complete your honours bsc (bioinformatics) program successfully, you must complete the following:

first year

  1. biology 1110
  2. chemistry 1110 and 1130
  3. computer science 1411 and 1431
  4. mathematics 1171 and 1172
  5. physics 1211 and 1212
  6. a half-course elective in humanities or social sciences (one of english 1011, 1031, 1111 or 1112 recommended)

second year

  1. biology 2171, 2230, 2711, 2910
  2. chemistry 2211 and 2231
  3. computer science 2412
  4. mathematics 2255
  5. physics 2331
  6. a half-course elective

third year

  1. bioinformatics 3711 (/chemistry 3711)
  2. biology 3135
  3. chemistry 2411, 3251, 3271
  4. computer science 2477
  5. mathematics 2111, 3332, 3334
  6. a half-course elective

fourth year

  1. bioinformatics 4111, 4901 and 1.5 fce elective from the list of recommended electives (below) or bioinformatics 4501 and 2.0 fce electives from the list of recommended electives (see note 1)
  2. biology 3330
  3. computer science 3413 and 4411
  4. physics 3511 or chemistry 4191 (/bioinformatics 4191)

notes: 1. it is strongly recommended that 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 considering graduate school choose the bioinformatics 4111, 4901 option