the ontario archaeological society

logo for the the ontario archaeological society thunder bay chapter

president: clarence surette
vice president: bill ross
secretary/treasurer: jennifer surette
director(s): jill taylor-hollings
meetings: in room bb0017, braun building, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
dates/times: 7 pm on the last friday of the month except may-august, all are welcome, meetings are free
click here for the membership renewal/application form
oas main page
dr. jennifer campbell's, one of our new sessional, will be presenting some of her work on nov. 4th, 2011 in bb0017 at 7pm entitled "mughal caravanserais: anchoring landscapes of identity, exchange, and power in northern south asia". 
here is a description below:
mughal caravanserais: anchoring landscapes of identity, exchange, and power in northern south asia.

over-viewing my research with the caravanserai networks project and looking at mughal caravanserais (1500-1800 ad) in northern south asia this talk examines the importance of these structures in facilitating trade and travel across the northern subcontinent. caravanserai served as vital nodes that echoed imperial power and control and that contributed, and continue to contribute, to regional and personal notions of identity - both for users and administrators. i explore these concepts through architectural analysis focused on the creation of temporally bounded 3-dimensional models, the methodology and contributions of which i will also overview in this talk.

meetings are free and everyone is welcome!