choosing a program

at lakehead, we have many program options for you to explore. here's some guidance to help you decide!

as you start to make some key decisions for your future education, choosing a program and in some cases, a major, can be a difficult decision. everyone is different. you may know exactly what you want to do with the rest of your life and how you are going to get there. but others may be weighing a number of ideas and options. and that’s okay – you are not alone.

new experiences, academic and career investigation, and testing the waters are all valuable parts of a university education. whether you have just finished high school or college or looking to embark on a new educational journey after time away from studies, you may not have had exposure to the types of disciplines offered at lakehead.

most 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 have never experienced studying disciplines such as sociology, women's studies, forestry, outdoor recreation, business, indigenous learning, or social work to name a few. how are you supposed to choose a program without ever having the opportunity to get a taste of these different subjects? this is why many of our programs have electives so you can do some investigation of different subjects during your first and second years.

when you do choose a program, it is not set in stone. it is not unusual for a student to change their program 3 times and then change careers several times during their lives. the journey you will take throughout your education will help shape who you are and your future. be open to discovery and gain new perspectives and experiences – you never know where it will lead you down the road.

considerations when choosing a program:

阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 offers over 65+ undergraduate programs. from the arts and sciences to professional programs, we have a program to fit any interest across our two campus locations in thunder bay and orillia. here's some tips to help you think about choosing a program at application time:

  • think about your favourite classes you are currently taking. what do you do well in? what is a subject that drives your interest? which classes are you most excited about? follow your passions.
  • talk to faculty, friends, family and other 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 about their careers and major choices. however, don't get too caught up with your future job. during your university years, your interests and passions will evolve as you explore new fields.
  • evaluate your skills. how well do they match your interests? narrow down your choices by doing research into different areas.
  • if you are undecided but you know you enjoy humanities (english, history, philosophy), the lakehead arts one program allows you to explore different subjects in your first year before your choose your major in second year.
  • if you are interested in the  sciences but unsure of the specific major, use your first year electives to try further explore your interests.
  • many of our programs also offer options to combine your program with concurrent education providing you with an education and certification to become a teacher. other programs also include options such as minors, concentrations, specializations and certificates - all ways to explore other areas of interest in combination with your primary area of study.


does a major decide my profession?

a major is a concentration of course that will focus and shape your academic, intellectual and developmental experiences. a major does not necessarily define your career path but can if that is the path you choose to take!

many of our professional programs, such as engineering, education, nursing and social work will equip you with the skills, knowledge and credentials to enter directly into a particular profession. however, even in these cases, the number of career options are not limited to one particular profession.

all of our programs will prepare you for a wide range of career options that require strong analytical, critical thinking and communication skills that you will develop. your time at lakehead will allow you to gain theoretical knowledge as well as experiencing learning to help you better understand how you can apply your skills based on your goals and interests.

investigate different career options and find out the educational background of people already in positions that may be of interest to you. connect with the student success centre and your faculty advisor to further understand your options and where our alumni are now and the exceptional and unconventional careers, they have pursued with their lakehead degree.