submission preparation checklist
as part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.-
the lakehead law journal fills a significant niche in the legal scholarship landscape by focusing on the following mandates: (1) aboriginal and indigenous legal issues; (2) rural, northern, and small firm practice; and/or (3) natural resources and environmental law.
we also publish original articles that are shorter than typical academic articles. our hope is that shorter pieces (7000-8000 words) will be more accessible to busy lawyers and judges, making them more likely to be cited in judgments and play a part in shaping the law.
before submitting articles please ensure the following requirements are met:
1) all articles are to be submitted through the lakehead law journal website. authors are required to submit their articles through their profile created on the journal website. all communications concerning submitted articles will be sent through the law journal website.
2) by submitting works, authors are confirming that the work submitted is original, owned by the author, not previously published in whole or in part. submission of a manuscript to the lakehead law journal is understood to imply that the manuscript is not under consideration by any other journal and is offered to the lakehead law journal for first publication.
3) all files must be submitted in any recent version of microsoft word (.doc or .docx), wordperfect (.wpd), or rich text format (.rtf). if your manuscript contains figures, you will need to prepare and submit these in separate files in tiff (.tif) or eps (.eps) format.
4) articles must adhere to the 10th edition of the canadian guide to uniform legal citation ("the mcgill guide”).
5) all uploaded articles must be anonymized. in particular, remove any identity-revealing references to your own published manuscripts; remove any references to unpublished manuscripts, as references to such manuscripts can potentially reveal your identity. the purpose of keeping the author’s identity concealed is to maintain the integrity of our blind peer review process. all successful submissions are externally reviewed in confidence.
6) authors must include a brief abstract of approximately 250 words clearly summarizing the arguments made in the article.
copyright notice
authors retain original copyright and grant the llj first publication rights. articles published in this open access journal are free to use, with proper attribution, for educational and non-commercial purposes.