starting monday, may 6, the chancellor paterson library will undergo a significant upgrade to the library’s heating, ventilation and air conditioning (hvac) system resulting in the closure of the building’s third, fourth and fifth floors. this project is expected to last the duration of the summer and is slated to be completed by mid-september. the hvac renewal project will enhance the comfort and experience of all library users and we thank you for your understanding and patience while this work commences.

available services

while chancellor paterson library’s third, fourth and fifth floors will be closed to library users, library services will be minimally impacted by this project. library users can access our services in the following ways:

  • the access services desk on the main floor will be fully operational. for service hours, please visit the library hours page of our website. for more assistance, please contact access service staff by phone (807-343-8225) or email (
  • library materials will continue to be available for check out. we encourage you to request items through omni, our library catalogue, or visit the access services desk and one of our library staff will retrieve requests on your behalf. for more information on borrowing library material, please visit the borrowing and returning page of our website.
  • the lending and borrowing of materials to and from other omni institutions will continue. we encourage you to request items through omni, our library catalogue.
  • research consultations with a librarian will continue. visit the liaison librarians & archivists page to schedule a meeting.
  • to arrange a meeting with the university archivist or to view archival material, please contact sara janes by phone (807-343-8010 ext. 8272) or email ( in-person access to archival records will take place on the ground floor of chancellor paterson library.
  • to arrange a meeting with the library’s special collections librarian or to view non-circulating resources from the library’s indigenous resource and cultural centre, nanda gikendan gamik, please contact trudy russo by email (
  • the main floor of the library will remain open for individual and group study. the second floor will remain open for quiet study.
  • unfortunately the fourth floor study rooms will be unavailable at this time, however, the main floor study rooms are available for bookings. visit the library study spaces & equipment page to make a reservation and for more information.
  • a microform reader will be available for use on the main floor. please place your microfilm/microfiche request at the access services desk and staff will retrieve your item.
  • teaching commons staff will continue to provide full services remotely. please contact the team for any teaching-related needs.