for most systems below, an account is mandatory. for some library databases (like omni) an account is handy if you search that database often.

servicewhy use ithow to login
ezproxyoff-campus access to online resourceslogin using your lakehead email credentials
mycourselinkaccess reserves, past exams and your online courseslogin using your lakehead email credentials
my library account (omni)
  • renew books
  • request books from other lu campus libraries
  • recall books on loan
  • view your fines
  • save your searches
  • view your favourites
  • save and retrieve your search history
  • create email alerts
  • label items
login using your lakehead email credentials
interlibrary loanrequest materials not in the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 library collection 
  • collect, organize, cite, and share your research sources
  • create bibliographies in the format you choose (e.g. apa or chicago)
create your own account