in accordance with a lakehead senate regulation, the lakehead libraries provide the past three years of examinations as .pdfs through mycourselink. once logged into d2l/mycourselink, look for the "past exams" course in the "select a course" drop down menu.

if you can't see past exams in mycourselink, self-register by selecting "what to do if you cannot find a course" in the mycourselink welcome screen after logging in. then, scroll down to the "self-registering for non-academic courses" section and follow the self-registration link.

for faculty & instructors

all exams are added shortly after completion unless the instructor has followed the procedures to request an exemption. on the thunder bay campus the library obtains copies of print exams from the print shop. on the orillia campus, you must provide a copy of your final exam directly to the library. for exams hosted on d2l / mycourselink, you must provide a copy of your final exam directly to the library. provide a .pdf copy of your final exam to the library by emailing it to for orillia, or to in thunder bay.