if you would like to appeal a charge or fee on your account, please submit the form below. appeals must be submitted within 60 days of the accrual of the charge or fee.

please note that if you return a book that has been marked lost, you will automatically be refunded the $125 lost book fee and do not need to submit an appeal.

when you borrow from 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 library, it is your responsibility to be familiar with our policies. for this reason, the following situations will not be eligible for an appeal:

  • unaware of library borrowing policies.
  • failure to renew or return library items or equipment on time.
  • non-receipt of library notices and reminders.
  • disagreement with library policies around charges and fines
you may be contacted if we require any additional information. you will normally receive a response to your appeal within 7 days of receipt. the decision of the appeal is final.